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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Kittens Kittens 12/01/13 Sold me 8m. 4x400 4x400
4x400 4x400 12/01/13 Sold him 8mil 07 RSGP via PayPal, Thanks man! Kittens Kittens
BawsZ BawsZ 12/01/13 clean and quick as fuck as always:) fuk rs i hate it fuk rs i hate it
Divica Divica 12/01/13 Very Friendly service and very fast Max Envy Max Envy
juancholama juancholama 12/01/13 he has sold me gold multiple times,thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 12/01/13 sold him 07gp, fast and smooth trade juancholama juancholama
BawsZ BawsZ 12/01/13 Went fast and smooth, Very Trustworthy! fatmanpoop7 fatmanpoop7
Pink Clay Pink Clay 12/01/13 Bought Fcape from him on my pure! Adam News Adam News
YoHoJo YoHoJo 12/01/13 100% Legit bought with no problems, recommend to all r0fl1k03du r0fl1k03du
Probemas Probemas 12/01/13 Bought fresh acc, he went first tyvm Celeos Celeos
Celeos Celeos 12/01/13 Sold fresh level 3 Probemas Probemas
Lana Lana 12/01/13 quick and fast thanks!!! Zoo Zoo
Zoo Zoo 12/01/13 Bought a bond quick and easy! Thanks man! A++ Lana Lana
Trustmybet Trustmybet 12/01/13 MM - Refused to confirm IGN which resulted in my buyer leaving. Cobwebster Cobwebster
ershnip ershnip 12/01/13 his 6m 07 for my 42m eoc nice guy :P a+ Kalems Kalems
Heaven Heaven 12/01/13 bought bond fast/legit guy ausbear ausbear
Kalems Kalems 12/01/13 traded 6m for 42m rs3 ershnip ershnip
Brown Brown 12/01/13 he sold me 60m thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 12/01/13 Sold him 60m, trade went fast like always. Brown Brown
Aliasviejo Aliasviejo 12/01/13 sold him a voucher thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 12/01/13 Bought 6$ Vouch, Quick & professional Aliasviejo Aliasviejo
Zoo Zoo 11/30/13 quick and easy unholysymbol unholysymbol
Pacmale Pacmale 11/30/13 sold 10m via paypal ty Violent Violent
Divica Divica 11/30/13 Bought 10m again, nice & fast. best service on OSBOT! Pacmale Pacmale
Lighthouse Lighthouse 11/30/13 bought 157m 07 for paypal thanks Violent Violent
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