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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
HellenWong HellenWong 12/23/13 Sold over 500M over a few months, always quick and smooth o0sva o0sva
o0sva o0sva 12/23/13 bought his 07 gold 20 m , tyvm ^^ HellenWong HellenWong
harrymartin harrymartin 12/23/13 Do not trust him, I left negative feedback and he removed it. Doctor Doctor
HellenWong HellenWong 12/23/13 Easy to trade with! Great price. DevilsDoty DevilsDoty
DevilsDoty DevilsDoty 12/23/13 bought 07 1.25M from him, ty HellenWong HellenWong
knocturne knocturne 12/23/13 Exchanged a total of 61m 07 to RS3, Smooth, Thanks! Satan111 Satan111
Satan111 Satan111 12/23/13 We've exchanged 610m EoC/ 61m 07 so far and will do business again. Very fast. knocturne knocturne
yoyoaha yoyoaha 12/23/13 Sold me some mils! Thanks! PipiDaga PipiDaga
PipiDaga PipiDaga 12/23/13 sold him 2m 07 gold , he go first ,good guy yoyoaha yoyoaha
Numba1bot Numba1bot 12/23/13 bought his 07 15 M gold , ty HellenWong HellenWong
HellenWong HellenWong 12/23/13 Just sold another 15m trade was fast and smooth as usual! Numba1bot Numba1bot
HellenWong HellenWong 12/23/13 sold dat 07. nenkido nenkido
EnderHost EnderHost 12/23/13 bought vps looks great Lucy Lucy
BawsZ BawsZ 12/23/13 he is well trusted , he help me with my paypal. and was legit iliketodie22 iliketodie22
TL91 TL91 12/23/13 bought 30m PipiDaga PipiDaga
PipiDaga PipiDaga 12/23/13 Friendly and fast! Recommended! TL91 TL91
PipiDaga PipiDaga 12/23/13 Sold 10M I went first, quick and easy trade. Very happy :) Jookie Jookie
bloodshed79 bloodshed79 12/23/13 sold him a bond for 07, he went first. thanks! Joe Joe
juancholama juancholama 12/23/13 Did Fcape for me on 07scape, fast and easy, onlyNYC onlyNYC
Watersatoosa Watersatoosa 12/23/13 sold him one of my accounts, he went first :) thanks L S D L S D
L S D L S D 12/23/13 Bought rs acc from lucy, really fast and I went first :) Watersatoosa Watersatoosa
darknation darknation 12/23/13 Enjoy the 2 quests! PipiDaga PipiDaga
PipiDaga PipiDaga 12/23/13 Did 2 quests for me very cheap. 100satisfied with the service!!! darknation darknation
Joe Joe 12/23/13 bought a bond, went first no problems thanks Daviyow Daviyow
Daviyow Daviyow 12/23/13 sold him a bond for 07, he went first. thanks! Joe Joe
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