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  1. (clap) EDIT: Thought I'd add one to the conversation:
  2. No worries, IRL > Game.
  3. In the OSBot client, go to Advanced Settings and turn on Positions. For getting an area use this: Go to lowest Y and X co-ordinate (write it down). Go to highest Y and X co-ordinate (write it down). Then put it like this in the code: private Area (NAME) = new Area(highestX, highestY, lowestX, lowestY); That will give the rectangular area.
  4. I did and I have the same issue : http://gyazo.com/bb41d025be6a88a4ee543c7f943c3486 EDIT: Working great now, restarted it twice: http://gyazo.com/3f385854107b4ee672ea08b93ea483a1
  5. Rand

    BETA v1.6.12

    Looks good. Thanks
  6. When looting I use: this.client.rotateCameraPitch(Int); It makes the camera move upto the int, I believe the highest is between 62-69, can't remember fully. NOTE: Not sure if this is what you meant, if so, you're welcome
  7. Yeah, I used this: if (randoms != null && (this.client.getMyPlayer().isUnderAttack()) && (randoms.isFacing(this.client.getMyPlayer()))) { // insert code here }
  8. You need to add some lines to do it. I got it in one of my scripts. It's simple really: 1. Search area for NPC's. 2. If NPC's contains Evil Chicken. 3. RUn away/tele
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