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taco shack

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  1. in timer class public static String format(long milliSeconds) { long secs = milliSeconds / 1000L; return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d", new Object[] { Long.valueOf(milliSeconds / (1000*60*60*24)) , Long.valueOf((secs / 3600L) % 24), Long.valueOf((secs % 3600L) / 60L), Long.valueOf(secs % 60L) }); } in main final long lngStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); on paint g.drawString(""+Timer.format(System.currentTimeMillis() - lngStartTime), X, Y)
  2. Hello, hopefully this is the right section for this question. I've been working on my first script which is a woodcutting/ firemaking script. I am having trouble selecting items in my inventory, I want to select the Tinderbox . I have tried the following inventory.interact("Tinderbox", "Use"); & inventory.interactWithNameThatContains("Tinderbox"); neither of these have been able to select the Tinderbox for me. Am I using them wrong? I've also seen people use client.getInventory().interactWithId(tinderbox, "Use"); client.getInventory().interactWithNameThatContains(strLogType, "Use"); Ive tried it this way too, however, using client.getInventory gives me the following error "The method getInventory() is undefined for the type Client" . is this an outdated method?
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