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Trade With Caution
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  1. getGroundItems().closest("name").interact("Take") ??????? I am on my phone so this may not be accurate.
  2. I made this for fun and I really don't plan on using it. I'm gonna release it. Feel free to use it or don't. I don't care Also the code isn't that clean. What it does: https://gyazo.com/442cf002eb683ed0343f6f62f79e2d15 Code (Note* the first item search may lag a tiny bit due to loading the text document from online. An easy fix is to load the text document locally):
  3. empathy

    Deadman checker

    Nice convention naming private final int[] deadmanWorlds
  4. Disputed Member:@empathy Why it should be removed: someone left me feedback for helping with code. It's my most recent feed back
  5. There's no sleep time between opening the bank and depositing willow logs. Try adding a conditional sleep after interacting like this: bankbooth.interact("Bank"); new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getBank().isOpen(); } }.sleep(); This means that the bot will sleep for 5000 milliseconds or until the bank is open. Whichever comes first. You can evaluate the success by adding conditional sleeps.
  6. Breaks dont work on deadman mode since the 10 second timer doesn't let you log out.
  7. Mrdefnerd is the best by far. How active he is may be a different question
  8. Bought 33m OSRS Gold, he went first, wouldn't hesistate to deal with him!
  9. You could also split the string, which would be easier.
  10. getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) < 5 lol
  11. getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) getInventory().getItem("Food_Name").interact("Eat") Use the api docs.
  12. I hope you're not trying to recover an account you sold to @Master Chief 2 years ago. (Saw it in your feedback)
  13. Erm that's not his skype, I have him added, this is his skype: http://prntscr.com/8cx4c0 show his profile.
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