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  1. Need this done as fast as possible and all done legit. If the account get's banned then it is your responsibility to compensate. Name your prices below. I will go first if you are trusted. If not then you will either go first or we can use a MM. Cheers
  2. Can you add me on Skype so we can discuss? Could you have a list of all the quests you want doing as well please
  3. Welcome to UKSCOTTY's Fast, Cheap and Reliable Questing Service! First Order Will Receive 10% Off! I am offering a fast and reliable questing service. Please contact me on skype to discuss prices etc. You will provide items for quest or leave gold for me to purchase said items. Order Form Quests - Will you go first or middleman? - Will you leave fb after service? - Have you added me on Skype? - Do you agree to T.O.S? - T.O.S You will pay upfront for your work, or a middleman will be used at your expense. If I am unable to complete a service, you will be refunded for what is left. Any bans/mutes to the account(s) whilst doing services is not my responsibility. You will not log in whilst a service is being done, unless told you can. You will feedback upon completion of your order. Skype - Scotty_44
  4. Quests in need of completion? : Legends Quest The Slug Menace Throne of Miscellania Royal Trouble RFD - Monkey - Sir Amik Varze + Boss Fights Fairytale Part 2 All EXP lamps and rewards to be used on mining. Payment method? : RSGP Skype: Scotty_44 VMM Needed? If yes please provide a link to their thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/93817-realists-free-middleman-service-active/ Do you agree to the T.O.S?: Yes
  5. Everyones prices are the same. Not very original. I don't need all of RFD doing just the two side bits and the final fight.
  6. Legends Quest The Slug Menace Throne of Miscellania Royal Trouble RFD - Monkey - Sir Amik Varze + Boss Fights Fairytale Part 2 All EXP lamps and rewards to be used on mining. Trusted people only. Need done fast.
  7. What Order do you need : Legends Quest Regicide The Slug Menace Throne of Miscellania Royal Trouble RFD - Monkey - Sir Amik Varze + Boss Fights Fairytale Part 2 All EXP lamps and rewards to be used on mining. Will you fb me/vouch on thread? : Yeah did you add me on skype?: Yeah
  8. Service Needed: Legends Quest Regicide The Slug Menace Throne of Miscellania Royal Trouble RFD - Monkey - Sir Amik Varze + Boss Fights Fairytale Part 2 All EXP lamps and rewards to be used on mining. Your Skype: scotty_44 Willing to go first?: Yeah If no please link MM: Agree to ToS?: Yep Any notes: Could do with it doing fast if possible
  9. Legends Quest Regicide The Slug Menace Throne of Miscellania Royal Trouble RFD - Monkey - Sir Amik Varze + Boss Fights Fairytale Part 2 All EXP lamps and rewards to be used on mining. Trusted people only. Need done fast.
  10. What do you need? : Shield of Arrav, Giant Dwarf, Ghost Ahoy (plus tokens) Eadgar's Ruse, Fairytale Part 1, The Fremennik Trials, Mountain Daughter, Monkey Madness (I have 44 Prayer) Scorpion Catcher, Sheep Herder, Shilo Village Total price : 12m - 15% = 10.2m Going first or middleman? : MM What is your Skype? : scotty_44 Do you agree to the TOS? : Yes
  11. What is it you require? : Goblin Diplomacy Pirate’s Treasure Sheep Shearer Shield Of Arrav Creature Of Frenkinstrain The Digsite The Feud The Golem Lost City Monk’s Friend Monkey Madness Scorpion Catcher Shadow Of The Storm Mithril Gloves Sheep Herder Shilo Village Troll Romance Troll Stronghold Zogre Flesh Eaters What price are you wanting to pay? : No idea? Are you going first or will we use an MM? : I'll go first What amount of time do you require me to complete it in? : 3-5 days Do you agree to TOS? : Yes
  12. Order form: What do you want done: Firecape How much are you looking to pay (This will be negotiated between You my Employee and I): 5M Amount of time you want it done in: Today would be great
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