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  1. no one is going to put it all together for you, you have to do that yourself. if you love programming then putting it together shouldn't be a problem for you. if you forced yourself to like programming because you thought it would be a smart career path since everything is becoming automated or computerized then you should probably get used to how you're feeling. the moment i started learning my first language i immediately started thinking of all kinds of programs i could write. they don't even have to make sense. i made an app for my phone that keeps track of everything that i have in my kitchen cupboards. i later updated that app to include recipes and then after that to tell me what recipes i had all ingredients for and what ingredients i needed to complete recipes. the next update might be geared towards nutritional values but i don't really care much about them so i'm in no rush. after you write random programs like the example given then you build yourself a portfolio as @liverare suggested. good luck! edit: i just noticed the OP was in April lel
  2. the link that you posted discusses whether or not using a botting client, which normally mimics a runescape client, is safe to do if you play legit using osbuddy. if you're really that worried about it why not just open an instance of osbuddy and then run osbot in mirror mode. then you don't have to worry about your botting being done on a normal rs client and your legit playing being done on osbuddy. easy fix if you ask me.
  3. [OPEN SOURCE]** [SOURCE] doesn't really mean anything without the "open" edit: and open source would imply that it is free so the [FREE] is a bit redundant. ignore me if you want, i'm not trying to be an ass but i feel like i might be
  4. sometimes i draw but most of the time i watch lectures and debates. i normally gravitate towards psychology lectures but recently i've been watching a lot of space ones. if you're looking for something more brain dead then hit up netflix, phone games (CoC for example) or the good ol GameBoy (or N3DS) cheers! edit: emulators are fun as well if you're into that sort of thing
  5. doing tut island by hand isn't going to compensate for the scripts you run afterwards. i see all this talk about proxies but the scripts are most likely the issue. leave proxyfish alone
  6. nah i already got all that but thanks. this is more advanced than the basic user using CLI to open a client. I'm trying to make my scripts and the CLI work together better. thanks! i didn't think it would work like that. i feel stupid now for not trying that. cheers!
  7. I took a break from botting so i have no clue if there are already threads with this info. If there are please link below. What i want to know is: How do i grab parameters entered in the CLI with my script? I took a look at the API and it looks rather complicated. I want to store login information in the parameters so that the script can log itself in and out without me having to hardcode the account info into the script (which is what i am currently doing). Is it possible to use parameters this way? Is there another way I can grab account log in information without hardcoding it?
  8. If you are playing legit then you have no worries even if the ip is "flagged." Keep the bots on proxies if you are worried about your main accounts. I get bans on my home ip and my main accounts never get touched, even the mules because I don't bot on them. Jsyk as well, most ISP's give you a new ip every 1-3 months so even if your home ip was "flagged" you'll get a new one eventually.
  9. honestly account stats and age make no difference. if you're using a poorly coded script you will get banned. and even if you are using a script good enough to beat the automated bans, you still have weath to compete with. nuff said
  10. what kind of lag are you getting? if it is a spike at certain times/activities then it is probably because you're missing a small sleep somewhere. you said you use lots of if/else if, you maybe have something like if (animating) { if (whatever) { return something; } else { // sleep(250); // if this is missing lag may happen } // } that's my best guess without seeing anything from your end.
  11. basic public static long timeFromMark(long markTime) { return System.currentTimeMillis() - markTime; } also basic but not obvious to most public static boolean doSomething(Script script) throws InterruptedException { script.getSomething().doSomething() // make your fire or whatever long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (placeConditionsHere) // while animating for example if (timeFromMark(t) > 3000) // change 3000 to whatever you want break; // you can place a sleep here if you want to use less cpu but it makes no difference imo return false; } i've never used the osbot api for conditional sleeps but my snippet does essentially the same thing and is easily expanded on. good luck! edit: you can modify my snippet to account for the delay before you start animating as well. i'll leave that for you to figure out though :p
  12. who needs languages when a lot is becoming drag and drop nowadays
  13. nevermind, i'm fairly convinced that i'm just tired and creating false realities again. just another monday i guess
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