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Perfect Fighter AIO


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So im having a little issue, im killing hill giants. I have it set to take out 22 lobsters, keep brass key and not deposit and also take out one varrock teleport and use that to bank with. The problem is when it goes to the bank it takes out 22 lobsters, 1 varrock teleport and it deposits and then it repeats that forever, it never gets out of the bank or anything just keeps doing that over and over again. Any ideas?

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  • - What is the bug
    • Cannon does not reload after 'X' run time.
  • - How did you make the bug happen
    • Cannoning slayer task monsters. Log says something about cannon cycle finished or something. Cannon was not broken and had a lot of time left. Script will not reload unless I stop and restart script.
  • Tried client restart?
    • Yes
  • Normal script or a plugin?
    • Normal
  • Which exact setup options are enabled?
    • Cannon mode, cannon tile set, safe-spot set & not set. Quick prayer on. Anti-ban, move mouse out of screen.
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  • - What is the bug
    • Special attack option changes attack style.
  • - How did you make the bug happen
    • Special attack option sets the attack style to "strength" (Dragon dagger p++).
      Then when switching back to the primary weapon (Abyssal whip), it will leave the combat style in "controlled".
  • Suggestions?
    • This can be troublesome for those that are unaware of the bot switching attack styles. As it prevents training attack or defense with the feature on. It also will gain unwanted defense exp if the users primary weapon has a controlled strength style (Whip, spears, etc.).
    • Having the script not switch styles would be best IMO. Or simply an option to check off "Spec in aggressive style" etc.
  • Tried client restart?
    • Yes
  • Normal script or a plugin?
    • Normal
  • Which exact setup options are enabled?
    • Special attack option. Primary weapon: Abyssal Whip, Spec Weapon: Dragon dagger(p++).
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Loving the script. 

only when in catacombs im trying to kill fire giants.

Sometimes it will randomly attack a dark beast. ( i dont have high enough slayer to damage it ).
And just stands there sipping prayer potions. not sure what triggers it.

[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:31:48 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:31:48 AM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20040"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:31 AM]: Special change from (100) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:31 AM]: "ss_kill_counter" changed to "102"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:31 AM]: "slayer_npc_finish" changed to "20044"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:31 AM]: "ss_kill_counter" changed to "103"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:32 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:32 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:32 AM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20040"
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:39 AM]: Script Perfect Fighter has paused!

[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:04 AM]: Script Perfect Fighter has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:05 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:05 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:06 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:06 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:07 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:07 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:08 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:08 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:08 AM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20040"

im only using prayer option and looting dark totem pieces.

Edited by dieg0
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hey guys i got a question about sandcrabs on this bot, does it have a crash switch server option, or is it just x amount of players in x radius? Because a lot of players swap servers right next to you to find a server of their own, i don't want to hop everytime someone is close, i only want to hop if i get crashed .. thanks

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49 minutes ago, Sia said:

hey guys i got a question about sandcrabs on this bot, does it have a crash switch server option, or is it just x amount of players in x radius? Because a lot of players swap servers right next to you to find a server of their own, i don't want to hop everytime someone is close, i only want to hop if i get crashed .. thanks

buy a sandcrab bot

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3 hours ago, Swip3r said:

Am I the only one that happens to get a weird glitch that when I move the camera it just keeps rotating forever? until I exit the script

It rotates forever when I try to select the fight area, and it also keeps the camera on a low angle and you can't go bird's eye. Then after it won't run for me. Just paid VIP & bought the script all for it to not work.

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1 hour ago, Dylan Roth said:

It rotates forever when I try to select the fight area, and it also keeps the camera on a low angle and you can't go bird's eye. Then after it won't run for me. Just paid VIP & bought the script all for it to not work.

4 hours ago, Swip3r said:

Am I the only one that happens to get a weird glitch that when I move the camera it just keeps rotating forever? until I exit the script

I have the same issue, not sure if its a mac thing or what but if you click one of the buttons at the top of the program (eg bots or settings) it will stop rotating forever. Just dont try to move the camera while the script is running and it doesnt happen in the first place.

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