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Best way to bot to 99 Range without a ban?


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But if its a 1 def pure won't they just tear through the absorb pots really quick?

it would still work, you just burn through the absorptions faster


Do you use AXIFE? Or a different mouse recorder?

yea axife, the old version though



not that it matters


In that case if it's a pure, this method wont work. you'd have to use an NMZ script like FuityNMZ (Which i highly reccomend) 



it would still work, you just burn through the absorptions faster

Banning has been harder than ever. I used to bot really good and got a ton of secret spots. even though there's nobody ever there or know my spots, bans still occur. i dont get it

bans dont rely on reports or jmods... they have an automatic system and anyone that says otherwise is retarded lol, if you are in a spot where no one EVER comes, you will still get banned. 

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