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Perm Ban FeelsBadMan


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If it was a fresh account, thats your fault.

They usually keep an eye out on fresh accounts for goldfarmers.


Try questing FIRST and give it a week or two before botting


Yeah I take full responsibility as I should for all bans to come. I just want personal opinions on what to do that is and isn't recommended from the known. Thanks for the tips! 


Same here but i did it on an account with 2 99s botted 1-40 agility with mirror mode AND premium script was the first time botting and got banned the very next day.

Yeah rip, pretty sure they keep a sharp eye out on agility. I mainly botting agility because I literally hate it but need 70+ which annoys me. Was yours a perma ban too?


:facepalm:... u should have done the quests firsts and then get 1-30 agility then do few more quests and then bot more lmao.... btw botting fresh accounts is not recommended u should have done at least 5-6 quests lol. and some others skills too

I know, Like I said I take full responsbility, I am looking more for advice where I fucked up and such. I feel like Agility is one of them skills that are needed but are such a pain to do PVM.


Botting is pointless. We need to find a new method.

Need to find a new MMO all together


Probably the fresh account was the culprit, same thing happened to me when I was botting agility.

Yeah, thanks for the advice! Maybe its just agility. I thought more of since the first time I got banned for botting it was just a 2day that I should min max the things I HATE doing and when I get a 2day ban I just stop botting but have the needed reqs I want that I dread doing such as agility. But then I forgot there are such things as the bot antiban system that just straight up perma bans. Was yours a perma ban too?


realy you got banned for just botting 1 time agility? Agility script from extreme scripts? i was looking forward to buy that

I am not saying which Agility script I used because...

A) EVERY scripter says there is ALWAYS a chance to get banned.

B) I fucked up and should have taken more precautions to prevent this ban

C) This thread isn't about witch hunting a scripter that contributes to this forum, it is about finding tips and tricks to prevent getting caught.

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I know, Like I said I take full responsbility, I am looking more for advice where I fucked up and such. I feel like Agility is one of them skills that are needed but are such a pain to do PVM.



one more thing turn off ur modern to reset ur ip every time u get 3 accounts banned.

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