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[FAST & CHEAP] PDC's Hand-Done Training Service. [Chinning/Nmz/Others]


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I'll be doing NMZ and chinning by hand for anyone for 5gp/per xp. I do not use "workers" so you don't have to worry about any items on your account going missing. I will be the only person accessing your account.

Requirements - 
Specify which method you would like me to train your account with.
You must supply everything needed on the account.
You must have MTD/DEMON quests done for NMZ, or access to ape atoll if chinning.
You must have money in your coffer/gp in your inventory if doing NMZ.
You must not login the account until your order is completed.
Your account will be HAND TRAINED ONLY, and i am not responsible for any offenses on your account. 

For any other skills contact me and we can discuss rates.
I am online 10+ hours a day so i strive to get you levels as fast as possible. Feel free to contact me on skype. My 1 and only skype is "Omert.a"
I will never deny a pm. Kind Regards!

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