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Shudsy's Orber


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script dont do anything  it only clim laddy .


Fix pushed. Should be fixed as soon as OSbot applies it.


Paranoid mode updated. Should now instantly teleport as soon as a skulled player that is able to attack you shows up.


Using Paranoid mode, you should have an extremely low chance of dying.


Overall detection of PKers has been improved aswell, even without using Paranoid mode.

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ive posted it after the clients update .-. Sorry bruh didnt mean to be a pain.


EDIT: Tried it again and now it opens the bank and logs out right after. I really dont know, the script is actually bugged or is it something with my client? your script updates dont seem to affect me


Edited by dakradha
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ive posted it after the clients update .-. Sorry bruh didnt mean to be a pain.


EDIT: Tried it again and now it opens the bank and logs out right after. I really dont know, the script is actually bugged or is it something with my client? your script updates dont seem to affect me


Opening bank/logging out after means you're missing items that the script requires. Checking the console when events like that happens usually tells you whats wrong. Read the required items on the main thread and see if you got everything you need.


Been working on a dynamic signature and storing the profit in a database.


Currently it looks like users are making between 400k-450k/h using the script. Air orbing is at a good place atm :)

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Hey sir, i noticed that after it starts charging the orbs it clicks the "charge orb" spell for a second time for no reason at all (it still works perfectly though). is it possible to remove this second click? i think this is a bit suspicious and may result in a bot detection


Just pushed a small update that should fix this. Will be implemented later today


EDIT: Dynamic signature added! you can now view your progress using this link:

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Any chance you could take a look into the waypoints? the bot tends to run into the chaos druids then click past the gate, making it run all the way around sometimes to open the gate when it doesnt even need to anymore


I don't handle the webwalking, that's the client. If you can get me some pictures or (best) a video of it, and i'll forward it to the devs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

lol   so many ladder !  dismiss ransoms ,ladder! break back , ladder!   gate close ,ladder ! chaos attack  ,ladder!  any pause , ladder!   be killed and back the bank  will stop with 82 cosmin rune.


That doesn't really tell me too much. could you explain the ladder thing? i'll push a fix for the cosmic runes

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I find the bot getting stuck in the room with rats on the east side when you first enter the dungeon. Also it sometimes gets stuck fighting monsters/creatures...


All of the walking is handled by the webwalker and not the script itself. I do know of the monster stuck thing, however i've never heard of it getting stuck with the rats?

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