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Shudsy's Orber


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On 10/8/2017 at 10:55 PM, purplewatilla said:

Could we get a clan wars mode that would teleport to clan wars, go in portal then tele to edge to restore health and run energy without staminas / food?




Otherwise, flawless script, ignore the complaints from people that can't even bot properly.

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Script often gets stuck just before charging, clicking Charge Air Orb TWICE, once correctly and the second time when it's in "Make X" panel and then just sits there, stuck for several minutes, logs out, logs back in, goes down the ladder and suicides to fucking Black Demons. Please fix @Shudsy

Edited by Theminis
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2 hours ago, Theminis said:

Script often gets stuck just before charging, clicking Charge Air Orb TWICE, once correctly and the second time when it's in "Make X" panel and then just sits there, stuck for several minutes, logs out, logs back in, goes down the ladder and suicides to fucking Black Demons. Please fix @Shudsy

I can't reproduce these bugs at all. Works flawlessly for me.

The fact it goes back DOWN the ladder into black demons should be pretty much impossible.

If it happens as frequently as you say it shouldn't be hard to get pictures or footage of it?

Edited by Shudsy
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I misspoke. It rarely goes down the ladder and into the black demons, but it still does sometimes. That's whatever, I've seen it do that since I bought the script several weeks ago, but like really rarely. It's like it tries to go backwards where it came from, not sure, might've been teleblocked so it tried running to Edge or something I guess there are ppl that tb and leave the bot alone or get PJed, who the fuck knows anyway. 


The bigger issue is the clicking Charge Air Orb twice, since you can't reproduce it on a single account, it has to be me clogging up the CPU and RAM and making the script think that it hasn't registered casting the spell on the obelisk (while it has, but my system is lagging, obviously) and trying casting it again only to be stuck because after trying to cast it again the script tries to make all, but it's stuck in "Cast Charge Air Orb -> ___" loop and cant click away untill I either manually notice it or it loggs off after awhile (automaticly I pressume).


The solution is to turn off an account or two, but I'm sure you could do something about it too, I know jack shit about coding, but it's probably possible to add a part where it checks if there's a "Make X" Jagex GUI open, before clicking on the Cast Charge Air Orb spell. Or something like that.

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3 hours ago, Shudsy said:

I can't reproduce these bugs at all. Works flawlessly for me.

The fact it goes back DOWN the ladder into black demons should be pretty much impossible.

If it happens as frequently as you say it shouldn't be hard to get pictures or footage of it?


Update: I'm usin less accounts than ever before just to test it out and it's still happening. I'm at 40-60% CPU and 60-80% RAM and it seems that tiniest bit of lagg fucks it up when it tries to charge.

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5 hours ago, Shudsy said:

Fix pushed



About the going down the ladder bug, just witnessed it firsthand myself - If script logs out and back in while being at the obelisk it goes down the ladder, through Black demons (can bug out in the middle of them and die) towards Monks. Paused it after that as it pissed me off (Instead of waiting to see whats it gonna do/where it's gonna go), sorry. Oh and after it logs in, it puts itself into "Walking to Orb" status, when it clearly should charge. Hope this helps.


Otherwise, the script has been running smoothly for quite awhile, very reliable :) 

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9 hours ago, Theminis said:

About the going down the ladder bug, just witnessed it firsthand myself - If script logs out and back in while being at the obelisk it goes down the ladder, through Black demons (can bug out in the middle of them and die) towards Monks. Paused it after that as it pissed me off (Instead of waiting to see whats it gonna do/where it's gonna go), sorry. Oh and after it logs in, it puts itself into "Walking to Orb" status, when it clearly should charge. Hope this helps.


Just saw another one, and let it run. It runs straight back to edge bank (WASN'T TELEBLOCKED), banks all, drinks/eats and repeats the whole run.

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