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Disputed member: LetMeHolla

Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/92891-need-jad-only-service/


I gave him password and details after we agreed on me paying him 5m after the service. I was standing in wave 62 when i gave him the details and i only paid for jad + wave 62. The terms were that if i didnt give him the 5m he could just take the gear i was wearing which is worth 12-14m (depending on prices)

When i gave him the details he logged in and prob just left the caves heres the pic of after 

removed to hide username


After that he idk got logged of or something for hopping worlds and asked for authenticator code again, 


heres him saying that he thought he was on the wave before jad and needs authenticator again in order to logg in again.


But here is screen of me clearly telling him he is on wave 62 and he agrees



And now he claims that he never logged in, even tho prev screenshots shows that he did logg in and said he was standing in wave 



And then i swtiched password back and he says this :


now he says that he dced out of it and thought he was standing in wrong wave, but before he clearly said that he needed to loggoff.

But at the same time little bit before he said that he didnt even manage to loggin but at the same time asks for details for authenticator again?






If the screenshots are not enough i can get skype id an password so you can see that i didnt edit or photoshop anything

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Can i ask what i need to refund? I have not scammed for anything? He got me dced! nad set all this up for me! i

I'm not sure how he "got you dced". But as I see the situation we cannot prove you took anything from his account. You however did lie about logging in, in the picture you state "I need to log out and in again", then later claim you hadn't logged in. Looks to me like a scam attempt gone wrong due to authenticator therefore I'm putting you on TWC.

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