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Stealth Quester


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On 10/2/2018 at 6:07 AM, Token said:

Not currently handling trials

you mind if i ask why no trials? sorry just trying to understand. is it for sales reasons? profit loss? hassle? Completely ok that their isn't trials i believe thats the decision of the scriptwriters 100%. personally i usually wont purchase scripts without a trial but i happen to purchase yours anyways since i like Osbot more than (cant say but) "Poopbot" another site. took a Pricey risk on yours however i'm very happy with my decision to purchase Stealth Quester so thank you. This script runs well and most of the comments/reviews i read were misleading information about this script. have 3 bots running for at least a week 1 with 13QP  and up to 32 give or take on the others. with this script and the other new scripts i purchased about the same time have yet to be banned!(Thats huge for me im consistently banned)1 is on my own IP! like WOW! good anti ban i say idk why i saw comments saying otherwise must be fault or problem on their ends not on this scripts end because it hasn't gotten me a single ban yet. 1 account of mine using your script isn't even on a proxie! my IP ban rate is fine to me and my ban rate usualy is 100% normally within 72hours. Would and have recommended this script. higher asking price is definitely justified and reasonable i must say Good Job i do not agree with a lot of the negative feedback that has been left. i mean im brand new to botting even consider myself very inadequate at it if not just plain bad lol so if i can use this script effectively and avoid bans after a weeks+ then anyone else should to or their doing something wrong. appreciate you providing quality product. Thank you again. I will be following/keeping a eye out for any future content you release.

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11 minutes ago, botos said:

Would you mind if i ask the reason why no trials? sorry for my curiosity im just trying to understand. is it for sales reasons? profit loss? maybe just a hassle? I'm completely ok that their isn't trials i believe thats the decision of the scriptwriters 100%. though personally i usually wont purchase scripts without a trial but i happen to purchase yours anyways since i like Osbot more than (guess i cant say but) "Poopbot" another site and alot more than "Superpoopbot" got trial for poopbots but was far from perfect with less quest tho ill be honest it ran a bit smoother out the gate though not in the end and i feel any problems ive had and had with your script are on my end and of my own fault and after some restarting of script or rebooting/adjusting of client your ran great. took a Pricey risk on yours however i feel and im very happy with my decision so thank you. your script runs well and have had 3 bots running with 13QP on one and up to 32 give or take on the others. with this script and the other new premium scripts i purchased about the same time  i have yet to be banned!!!(Thats huge for me im consistently banned so i just normally suicide now)  1 bot is even on my own ip! like wtf! good anti ban i say or if someone dosent think so of this script then tell me cuz idk what is because one of the accounts using this script isnt even on a proxie and my ip ban rate is 100% within 72hours or 24 hours of run time man the bots i have running your scripts along with Czars are little troopers they just wont go down.. I Would and already have recommended this script to others since i do not believe a better one exist for questing. i feel your higher asking price is most definitely justified and reasonable and i must say Good im going to leave positive feedback or review for the script (if im able to im new so i ill try to figure it out)  appreciate you providing a quality product and from the looks of it a updated product at that as well. i hope this was a ok place to leave a longer question/comment like this if not i apologize and can take it down /cut-delete- n paste. Thank you again. I will be following/keeping a eye out for any future content you release.

Thanks for the generous feedback :doge:

There are quite a few reasons behind that, but the main ones are, for the sake of equality and being impartial (in everything I do, not just this) I've always applied the same policy in 100% cases like you can observe if you go many pages back on the thread. On the other hand, I was quite often advised to stop giving trials, mostly by mods who used to take a look at this thread and tell me things like "I just banned x and his other 20 osbot accounts he created to request trials". So that's why it's 100% no trials for now, but I may start giving trials again in the future when I find a way to satisfy everyone's concerns.

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3 hours ago, Token said:

Thanks for the generous feedback :doge:

There are quite a few reasons behind that, but the main ones are, for the sake of equality and being impartial (in everything I do, not just this) I've always applied the same policy in 100% cases like you can observe if you go many pages back on the thread. On the other hand, I was quite often advised to stop giving trials, mostly by mods who used to take a look at this thread and tell me things like "I just banned x and his other 20 osbot accounts he created to request trials". So that's why it's 100% no trials for now, but I may start giving trials again in the future when I find a way to satisfy everyone's concerns.

Your very welcome ? Thank you for the fast Response. i understand and i couldn't agree more with your reasoning. Man that's pretty petty of some people to do but i totally see the community of scammers out their taking as much advantage of the free trials you script writers offer as they can. with me knowing that information and lets assume if no free trials were given script writers overall would make just a little bit more $ for their work then in that case i wouldn't mind at all if all script writers no longer gave free trials out even as much as it really helps me make my purchase i would rather have the more money potential for script writers like you since that is what will result in the better products i and everyone else will receive. Thank you again. (figured out how to rate scripts on the market place and even thought the script isn't absolutely perfect its dam well good and damn near as good as you could want while being by far better than any others of its kind. with that said i gave it a 5/5 for being #1 quester out as far as ive seen. 

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10 minutes ago, forenx said:

I notice, as a fresh 3 out of the tutorial island womb, this bot really won't do much without money, are there any quests it will do without money so I can lift my limit and start selling some juicy items to pay for the other quests?

An iron man mode is in development which gathers items instead of buying them, 1 quest (Cook's Assistant) is featured for testing on the GUI if you press F5. Other than that, I think on F2P worlds where it doesn't use teleports, quests without requirements should be The Restless Ghost and Rune Mysteries. Also some easy to obtain item requirements in case you want to run on iron men, Ernest the Chicken only requires a spade, Romeo and Juliet requires 1 cadava berries.

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