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Vladimir Putin

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By the way guys, I was joking... You really think I'd condemn to the lowest of agreeing to use nuclear weapons on innocent people? HELL NO...  I have seen a lot of messed up things in my life, women who had been messed up by their own husbands, friend who have died, do you really think I'd be serious about creating a Nuclear war...


But for the comments who actually created an argument I'm glad you did NoahThewisewolf but for the majority of people who just used the word 'Autistic' to describe a freedom of speech have no morals, and to the other people who seem to not understand that innocent people die everyday need to grasp the fact of war, because it is soon to be on the horizon and it's better to be ready and accept that then uses ridiculous statements about innocent people dying when this happens from day to day.

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By the way guys, I was joking... You really think I'd condemn to the lowest of agreeing to use nuclear weapons on innocent people? HELL NO...  I have seen a lot of messed up things in my life, women who had been messed up by their own husbands, friend who have died, do you really think I'd be serious about creating a Nuclear war...


But for the comments who actually created an argument I'm glad you did NoahThewisewolf but for the majority of people who just used the word 'Autistic' to describe a freedom of speech have no morals, and to the other people who seem to not understand that innocent people die everyday need to grasp the fact of war, because it is soon to be on the horizon and it's better to be ready and accept that then uses ridiculous statements about innocent people dying when this happens from day to day.


Or you just realized everything you said was dumb as fuck and now your trying to save face by saying "twas all a joke guys haha."


Fuck outta here with your bullshit.

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Or you just realized everything you said was dumb as fuck and now your trying to save face by saying "twas all a joke guys haha."


Fuck outta here with your bullshit.


Do you really think If I agreed to such madness I would be allowed to serve in the Air force? Don't be so silly.. People just need to wake up and realise what is actually happening with the world though, everyday Innocent people are dying and I don't think the society we live in actually grasp that... 

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Oh so you're telling me if your town was nuked because your country was at war and you were to die, you'd be PERFECTLY fine with it because "oh innocent people die in war"? Seeing that im pretty sure you wont be fine with it. Your whole argument proves that all you're doing right here is blabbing your mouth spouting bullshit just for the sakes of it, which in my opinion is kind of stupid. FWIW, i dont think you're joking either but you saw all the hate you were getting and decided to back off. 

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Oh so you're telling me if your town was nuked because your country was at war and you were to die, you'd be PERFECTLY fine with it because "oh innocent people die in war"? Seeing that im pretty sure you wont be fine with it. Your whole argument proves that all you're doing right here is blabbing your mouth spouting bullshit just for the sakes of it, which in my opinion is kind of stupid. FWIW, i dont think you're joking either but you saw all the hate you were getting and decided to back off. 


I don't care about all the hate, bring it my way. I messaged Noah thanking him for his argument because someone actually put one, I didn't realise anything or deciding to back off, reason I'm still here replying to the comments and not just ignoring or saying 'Okay' but I don't care what people think. 


Only time will tell what people will think when a bomb his their country and see the melt the world goes into, but it is happening, and the sooner people realise the better...

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I don't care about all the hate, bring it my way. I messaged Noah thanking him for his argument because someone actually put one, I didn't realise anything or deciding to back off, reason I'm still here replying to the comments and not just ignoring or saying 'Okay' but I don't care what people think. 


Only time will tell what people will think when a bomb his their country and see the melt the world goes into, but it is happening, and the sooner people realise the better...


The problems in syria have been on going for a few years, i dont think a bomb will bee hitting them any time soon. 

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That's insane to suggest any world leader(or for that matter, any responsible adult) should just make decisions and worry about the consequences later(example have sex without a condom and worry about getting a girl pregnant/get HIV, etc later when it's too late). It's that very same attitude America is in 18 trillion dollars debt facep.gif.

Furthermore, nuking is not even an option. Ever hear of MAD Principle(mutually assured destruction)? The whole reason there has never been a true nuclear war since the atomic bomb was invented was because if even one country used it, then all the other countries who have nuclear weapons would launch as well and ultimately result in the destruction of the earth. Hence it's mutually assured destruction.

No world leader no matter how reckless wants to destroy themselves and their country in the process to destroy their enemy(thank fuck that's the case otherwise we would have been dead a long time ago).

18 trillion ??? wtf that must be some bank loan image the interest rate

My comment about Turkey for christmas is indication the food, not the country in case anyone thinks with this comment I'm talking about making war with them.


And exactly, most of Isis threat is around Syria, if we destroy the base, they can work on eliminating the minor portion which still exists.


I've served in the forces for a few years, I've just moved towards the Royal Air Force and have my start date coming up, you're calling me an Idiot for wanting to kill innocent people?


I'm sorry to disappoint you buddy but for the last so many years myself have killed many innocent people in the thing we call war... And over the thousands of years there has been many innocent people killed..

I think there are a lot of people who don't understand 'War' calling people Autistic and Idiots because they want change to the world that we live in, and using power to achieve that is somewhat bad? 


But I guess using bombs and guns to kill hundreads/thousands of innocent people is acceptable by the ISIS? 


It's just crazy... 

the innocent always die anyways you have to die sooner or later

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