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Your stance on legalizing all drugs?


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I mean go look at what it did for Portugal back in 09. My theory is it is better to be controlled and (at least somewhat) regulated rather than being sold by some random dude off the street and you have no idea what he has done to it/laced it with/if he made/grew it correctly, etc.. Plus it will encourage those who need help to get help rather than to be scared of incarceration and end up hurting themselves or someone else.


Also if you tell someone they can't have something, they are going to want to try it and do it more than if it were an open option.


To those who say its like giving kids guns and sending them to school and "might as well make murder legal"... That is quite stupid tbh considering right now someone who is 10 can go get meth from a dealer as long as he has money. But in a controlled environment kids will no longer have as much access to these drugs as they do right now. Just my 2 cents wink.png

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I'm from the Netherlands, and as most of you probably know weed is legal here but that is not really the case:

We have a blind eye policy here this means every drug is illegal by law. The government just turns a blind eye to all kinds of drugs. 

There are some different degrees:

-Smartdrugs and Cannabis(products) sold in "legal" (blind eye policy) stores

Smartdrugs are things like shrooms (banned since to much tourists jumped out of hotel rooms thinking they could fly). and other natural products , also a lot of designer drugs.

And you all probably know Coffeeshops selling weed and hasjish.


Also for hard drugs we have blind eye policy:

-people who carry a small stash of hard drugs (for example 0.5 gram cocaine or 1 XTC pill) won't be arrested or anything. 



Above is not legal because when u make it completely legal it is almost impossible to counter abuse or dealers. 

I've tried a lot of drugs, there are only some i still tend to use. (i'm kind of a pot-head and i also do a mathematical study at the university)

I've already seen a lot of lives destroyed by drugs even by cannabis. And i think when completely legalizing drugs people will be faster to try drugs. The blind eye policy however is good in my opinion. Not criminalizing small users. Because users aren't normally the criminals. The dutch government just tries to catch the criminals involved in the drug trade. 


Legalize the herb mann...



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