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Small varpbit list


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Here's a few varpbits I found that you guys might find interesting.

Feel free to contribute to the list with your own QwPha8E.png

Format: varpid - what it does (list of values)


43 - Combat style (0-3)

108 - autocasted spell (0=none, 3=wind strike, 5=water strike etc) (Thanks @Flamezzz)
172 - Auto retaliate (0-1)
661 - something to do with slayer? (all i know is that scorpions=4)
83 - Thick Skin? (0-1)
375 - Quick prayer enabled? (8-9)
1043 - Current GE buy price (per item)
563 - Current GE buy quantity
1151 - Current GE buy item ID
166 - Current brightness (1-4)
168 - Current music volume (4-0; 4=no volume 0=highest)
169 - Current SFX volume (4-0; 4=no volume 0=highest)
872 - Current area volume (4-0; 4=no volume 0=highest)
173 - Run enabled? (0-1)
1074 - Profanity filter enabled? (0-1)
171 - Chat effects on? (0-1)
287 - Split private chat? (0-1)
1055 - Logout timeout notification? (0=enabled, 128=disabled) ALSO data orbs enabled - (0 - orbs on AND timer on; 8 - orbs off AND timer on; 136 - BOTH OFF; 128 - orbs on AND timer off)
1107 - Attack option priority (0 - depends on combat levels; 1 - always right click; 2 - left click where available)
965 - Skill guide open? (1-23)

Edited by Bobrocket
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843 - weapon type, tells the client about the available combat styles (1=axe/battleaxe, 2=warhammer, 3=shortbow/longbow, 4=, 5=cbow)
156 - range guild shot count, (values between 0-11 inclusive)
738 - POH location (0=none, rimmington=1, ... yanille=6)
84 - quick-prayer setup
780 - building mode (on mask=0x400)

1046 - render doors open (on mask=0x80000000)
1047 - teleport inside house (on mask=0x800000)
638 - stamina pot active (active mask=0x100000)

158 - range guild arrow position in target view
157 - range guild score

Edited by Flamezzz
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Several of the ones in the OP are incorrect. You should probably look a bit more into how varpbits work


A table of them is still not a bad idea, though. Can help people make their own API, if they for some reason wish to do so tongue.png


Would you care to elaborate on the incorrect ones?

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