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HeyImJamie's AIO Services - Application Thread!


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Currently looking for: Powerleveler!








Hey, I'm Jamie. I'm the owner of Hey I'm Jamie's AIO Services! I'm currently looking to expand my services as I'm now at the point where I'm receiving an amount of orders I myself cannot handle. 


What I Offer:


A steady stream of offers and 100% honestly with you at all times. I have high hopes for my service, and it'd be great for others to be apart of it. I will support you with anything you require support in and will only ever be a message away, The same as I am to all my customers. smile.png


What I Require:


As mentioned previously, I'm currently looking to expand my service. At the moment, I require a PowerLeveler or two who can assist me with orders I do not have the time to complete. You will recieve 90% of the order, once it is completed, and I will keep 10%. You get to choose what you accept, As I appreciate not everyone will be available for every order. You will also be required to pay a Deposit of 15m, Which will be returned to you should we leave on good terms. Further Terms and Conditions will be put down below.


Application Form:




Do you speak English fluently?

Do you have Skype?


Are you willing to deposit 15m OSRS as a security fee?

Do you agree to the Terms and Conditions located in this thread?

What is your timezone?

How often will you be available for services during weekdays?

How often will you be available for services during the weekend?

Do you have any experience working with teams?

Do you have any experience working with AIO services?

Is there any other information you'd like to share?

Will you put my signature in yours once you're accepted?



Terms and Conditions:



You may NOT use ANY scripts or bots on ANY order that has been requested to be completed manually, This is considered scamming and you will instantly be kicked, with your deposit forfeited.

You agree your application has been filled out in good faith.

You agree to all current Terms and Conditions, and will be required to agree to any future Terms and Conditions, otherwise you may leave or be terminated with your deposit forfeited.

If found guilty of scamming, you forfeit your deposit.

If you are awarded a trade with caution, you forfeit your deposit.

If you fail to send minimum one message per month to the AIO services chat, or to my skype directly, you forfeit your deposit.

If you are involved in a dispute on any website we're on, you may not ask for your deposit back until the dispute is completed. Depending on the outcome of the dispute, you may be kicked from the service with or without your deposit, decided by me.

If you accept an order and fail to complete it, and are unable to hand it off to another worker, and are unable to come to a mutual agreement with the client or myself, you accept you will not be paid for the potion of the service you have completed.

After you are terminated from, or leave the service, you agree it may take up to 30 days to receive you deposit back.

If you do not request your deposit back after leaving, it will be kept.

If you leave the service after disrespecting, flaming, accusing, or otherwise offending myself or any co-workers, you forfeit your deposit.

You agree you will not do any services offered by the AIO service outside of our service.

You agree you will not try and talk to clients in a chat without myself, HeyImJamie.

You agree if you do talk to anyone, client or otherwise about doing services without HeyImJamie, you forfeit your deposit.

You agree to be on skype at all times while completing an order.

You agree to change your signature to include an image and or link to our thread if requested.

You agree to all black market default TOS and rules.

You agree I have the right to terminate you at any time.

You agree your views, opinions, speech, and posts do not represent myself, the services, other workers, clients, or anyone else but your own.

You agree unless otherwise stated here, if you are terminated you forfeit your deposit.


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