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ban limits


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alright an account I had has been banned twice first 2 day ban now permanent;

what I'd like to know is if I bot on any accounts now (without using vpn or anything) if I get found by jagex will they use same method aka 2day ban or w\e first or will it be a straight permanent ban, idk if I should test the limits or not lol

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Perm ban probably.


I have another question about this tho..


If you get perm ban on your ip once right... will the ban-rate on any other account be higher because you've received a perm ban on your ip before or will the ban-rate be as usual?


Roll a die, if it lands on 2 then you will probably get a 2 day ban maybe. If it lands on anything else ur gonna get a perm ban probably most likely.

Proven method 100 percent true works most of the time i think, i couldn't make that up.

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BackToRS, on 30 Sept 2015 - 2:47 PM, said:snapback.png

Perm ban probably.


I have another question about this tho..


If you get perm ban on your ip once right... will the ban-rate on any other account be higher because you've received a perm ban on your ip before or will the ban-rate be as usual?


Mysteryy, on 30 Sept 2015 - 2:20 PM, said:snapback.png

Roll a die, if it lands on 2 then you will probably get a 2 day ban maybe. If it lands on anything else ur gonna get a perm ban probably most likely.

Proven method 100 percent true works most of the time i think, i couldn't make that up.




Ye about that..

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alright an account I had has been banned twice first 2 day ban now permanent;

what I'd like to know is if I bot on any accounts now (without using vpn or anything) if I get found by jagex will they use same method aka 2day ban or w\e first or will it be a straight permanent ban, idk if I should test the limits or not lol


Brand new accounts that receive bans get perm bans normally. If the account has a decent amount of playtime, jagex gives you a second chance normally and you only get a 2 day ban. For most 2 day bans, jagex suspects that prior to the botting you got caught for, you actually played legit, and the ban is basically used as a scare tactic.


I wouldn't test the limit unless you have multiple ip's at your disposal. I've heard of people getting banned on black listed ip's while on mains that they play legit.


I'd stick to just botting one account at a time for a while unless you get a fresh ip. You gotta wait for the heat to die down because your ip might be "flagged" but I doubt it is.


edit: also if you're going to try and evade "flag list" from jagex would you have to go as far as say spoof mac address or anything to change mac or would an ip change suffice?


Your ip probably isn't flagged from one account unless you were gold farming.

Perm ban probably.


I have another question about this tho..


If you get perm ban on your ip once right... will the ban-rate on any other account be higher because you've received a perm ban on your ip before or will the ban-rate be as usual?


If you were gold farming then your ip is compromised and your ban rate will most likely go up. If you got caught leveling your main and you were stupid enough to keep botting your main for the perm ban then your ban rate is probably gonna be normal still.


2 types of botters:

- I want stats = not worried after a ban

- I want money = very worried after a ban


Edited by Shiny
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