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Newbie banned


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Hi guys,


I just recently started playing runesape like 2 days ago (I haven't played since 2006 or so) and I got my mining account banned. But one thing that confused me that it was a perma ban rather than a 2 day ban. Don't they usually give out a 2 day ban first? Also I was extremely lucky as my other account with my main shit was mining in the same area WITH the same IP but in a different world did not get banned... Could it be that they saw my main account but gave me a second chance? My main account had nice armor (mithril trimmed with gold) with some combat stats built whereas my mining account was straight up level 3.


Thanks for reading.

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if ur "newbie" was a very new account that goes straight into botting thats prolly why it was permed. were an account u actually play and do things on they usually get a 2 day. or at least in my expierence thats what happens to my accounts * i do suggest using mirror mode tho if ur going to bot

Edited by daamurda
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