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Scam Report Thexokid


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Sorry for the late reply Anne, I told one of my workers to contact Deceiver and tell him that I would not be able to reply, because I was at work. Like I've said I believe he took the items off the account after realizing that he would not get a refund for the service because he broke the T.O.S. This service was started at 3:00 AM September 25. He logged onto the account that same day, the service was cancelled 11:40 PM September 25 after logging onto the account and noticing he had also logged on. I was never using the servers as an excuse, because they were actually really bad that day. Non the less I completed 30k of exp (I had 2.5 weeks to complete the service) he should not have logged onto the account. Because I was the one working on the account, if needed I will refund the items on the account. But I hope you guys can see through his lies, he is framing me to get back some of his money. The 40m he paid for the service will not be refunded. 


XOKid, believes that Blacksper was on the account for a attempt to scam and frame him. Blacksper said XOKid took the items from the bank and sold them. There are the GE history pictures but, those could of came from either side...


I believe it would be fair to either try to possibly finish the service and be done with it, or come up with fair terms between the both of you for the services done. Since we cannot prove who sold the items on GE, and if you were or were not on the account during the service, violating his TOS.

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XOKid, believes that Blacksper was on the account for a attempt to scam and frame him. Blacksper said XOKid took the items from the bank and sold them. There are the GE history pictures but, those could of came from either side...


I believe it would be fair to either try to possibly finish the service and be done with it, or come up with fair terms between the both of you for the services done. Since we cannot prove who sold the items on GE, and if you were or were not on the account during the service, violating his TOS.

Those Items were BOUGHT not SOLD. Check the pictures he posted. He Violated the TOS and is now trying to frame me. His whole story is full of lies, first he says he doesn't have an osbot account, then he says he never logged onto the account. There's only one explanation.. hes trying to frame me. I'll refund the lost items on the account, if it comes to that. I hope it doesn't. But i need this dispute to end so I can get back to work. 

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XOKid, believes that Blacksper was on the account for a attempt to scam and frame him. Blacksper said XOKid took the items from the bank and sold them. There are the GE history pictures but, those could of came from either side...


I believe it would be fair to either try to possibly finish the service and be done with it, or come up with fair terms between the both of you for the services done. Since we cannot prove who sold the items on GE, and if you were or were not on the account during the service, violating his TOS.

Honestly deciever i find this outrageos why on earth will i try to frame him hes  using his Tos as a excuse to scam me okay look at it at my perspective i pay 40m for a service he manage to do 30k xp of work within 2 days which is terrible no offence. he contacts me at 4am my time, let me repeat 4AM MY TIME  hello sorry some of us have bed time during this im wild asleep, i ask him why did he take my items he doesnt reply and tells me hes going to have to cancle the service after i confromted him taken my items. why on earth will i try to frame him? for what. He's a scammer a sad little whore who cant make a living and has to go rob people out of their own pocket. even though i told him i did not log on the account during the service he doesnt believe me. he did not even keep me informed on the accounts progress. and he claims im the one trying to frame him? he was not the only person who i asked to do this service as i also contacted dbuffed who was willing to do it for me but could not atm as he was busy. i  went first paying 40m, i agreed to not log in to the account while hes working on the service, but i reliased something was skecthy after he kept making excuses such as world dc etc.. i asked him to keep me informed witht he progress and kept asking how much xp he did etc he wouldnt reply next day he told me why did i log on the account AT4 AM which is seen on the screen shot (woke up 10am) why would i be on rs at 4am during a school day and he uses this as a way to rob me off my money. i do not want him to carry on witht he service i want a full refund which was 40m and the items/ moneythat was in the bank which comes up to 20m, 20m+40m= 60m this will be the last person i go first to honestly its pathetic and sad thatt you will actually go this low and lie constantly too steal RSGP. 

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he said he cancled the service? he didnt tell me this the first thing that he told me was "why are you on the account" which was 4am my time i replied to him around 8-10am ish "bro what are you talking about" this is when i became suspicouse i log on to the account found my self at cammy bank to see the 7mj cash that was there was gone and my items etc which was 20m in total, went to grand exchange to show the history of those items. thexokid is claiming that i probally took the items because he apperantly informed me that he cancled the service which was 8 hours after i made this thread and took all the screenshot as you can see, another hting i want to add is that he did not inform me about his TOS nor states it.

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Those Items were BOUGHT not SOLD. Check the pictures he posted. He Violated the TOS and is now trying to frame me. His whole story is full of lies, first he says he doesn't have an osbot account, then he says he never logged onto the account. There's only one explanation.. hes trying to frame me. I'll refund the lost items on the account, if it comes to that. I hope it doesn't. But i need this dispute to end so I can get back to work. 


you are one pathetic of a lier you did not state your tos to me only thing you stated was i should not log on the account during the servicce and nothing else and i agreed to it, ive already explained why i said i never had a os bot account lmao what more bull sht can you come up with, your a pathetic scum bag.

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Those Items were BOUGHT not SOLD. Check the pictures he posted. He Violated the TOS and is now trying to frame me. His whole story is full of lies, first he says he doesn't have an osbot account, then he says he never logged onto the account. There's only one explanation.. hes trying to frame me. I'll refund the lost items on the account, if it comes to that. I hope it doesn't. But i need this dispute to end so I can get back to work. 


My bad on the pictures.


Honestly deciever i find this outrageos why on earth will i try to frame him hes  using his Tos as a excuse to scam me okay look at it at my perspective i pay 40m for a service he manage to do 30k xp of work within 2 days which is terrible no offence. he contacts me at 4am my time, let me repeat 4AM MY TIME  hello sorry some of us have bed time during this im wild asleep, i ask him why did he take my items he doesnt reply and tells me hes going to have to cancle the service after i confromted him taken my items. why on earth will i try to frame him? for what. He's a scammer a sad little whore who cant make a living and has to go rob people out of their own pocket. even though i told him i did not log on the account during the service he doesnt believe me. he did not even keep me informed on the accounts progress. and he claims im the one trying to frame him? he was not the only person who i asked to do this service as i also contacted dbuffed who was willing to do it for me but could not atm as he was busy. i  went first paying 40m, i agreed to not log in to the account while hes working on the service, but i reliased something was skecthy after he kept making excuses such as world dc etc.. i asked him to keep me informed witht he progress and kept asking how much xp he did etc he wouldnt reply next day he told me why did i log on the account AT4 AM which is seen on the screen shot (woke up 10am) why would i be on rs at 4am during a school day and he uses this as a way to rob me off my money. i do not want him to carry on witht he service i want a full refund which was 40m and the items/ moneythat was in the bank which comes up to 20m, 20m+40m= 60m this will be the last person i go first to honestly its pathetic and sad thatt you will actually go this low and lie constantly too steal RSGP. 


You could of logged in onto the account before 4AM, while he was away. Did you buy items in the GE according to the first pictures in your thread? Can you offer a explanation?


he said he cancled the service? he didnt tell me this the first thing that he told me was "why are you on the account" which was 4am my time i replied to him around 8-10am ish "bro what are you talking about" this is when i became suspicouse i log on to the account found my self at cammy bank to see the 7mj cash that was there was gone and my items etc which was 20m in total, went to grand exchange to show the history of those items. thexokid is claiming that i probally took the items because he apperantly informed me that he cancled the service which was 8 hours after i made this thread and took all the screenshot as you can see, another hting i want to add is that he did not inform me about his TOS nor states it.


Why would you contact someone who does services without reading and possibly agreeing to their T.O.S? Please do not tell me you guessed they had no T.O.S...


His T.O.S found on his thread.



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My bad on the pictures.



You could of logged in onto the account before 4AM, while he was away. Did you buy items in the GE according to the first pictures in your thread? Can you offer a explanation?



Why would you contact someone who does services without reading and possibly agreeing to their T.O.S? Please do not tell me you guessed they had no T.O.S...


His T.O.S found on his thread.



Deceiver before the service i made sure that i bought all the items he needed and also left 7m in bank  which was for range supplies, like i said before i did not touch th e account during the service and sorry to say i did not read his tos which was stupid for me, but thats not the case the fact i paid 40m for a incomplete service which he only did 30k work is outrageos and then later finding my items the following morning gone. Deceiver hes not the only one that has done service for me before, dbuff also has done service for me and he can vouch for it ive had like 20m++ in my bank with him and had no problems i only ordered a service form xokid because he prommised me it would be done without no problems and the first question i asked if i would be allowed in the acc when hes not on he said no which i agreed and respected that. 

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my bad just had a look at the screenshot. but that does not change anythiung as he could  have traded my items over, i just want a explaination for the missing items in my banka nd why he did not inform me about cancle the service eearlier instead of later now its just sketchy. for exsample i can do a service for some one and lie about they breaking one of the tos take their whole bank and constantly post lies saying he broke my tos and not having to refund them?

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just my 2 cents ( sorry but gotta help blackspear out )


its quite obvious here that the 20m in items are GONE


there will be no refund for them since its impossible to determine and the owner should have taken the items of and or had a bank pin established which wouldn't of mattered anyways since it gets deleted after a period of time so removing the items would of been the only option available 


as to the 40m for the service


in my opinion it doesnt matter what his terms of service states cause the global terms are no one shale be scammed <----



if the user who is wanting the service ( and may i add ) payed the 40m upfront and everything


( at this time xo kid thought the user didn't even have a osbot account ) now since the user has the account he blames other things etc etc


which is suspicious to me since it makes the user needing the service more vulnerable and xo kid has been stating xyz over and over which proves absolutely nothing   



seems to me that since the user has payed upfront and ( the items has went missing )




if xo kid stated in skype why were you on the account etc etc 



it was simply a luring tactic to ensure that the user would log in a check on his account and everything and make sure he is getting what he has ALREADY PAID FOR




and to have the fact xo kid



broke the terms of agreement and didnt update him etc etc




i can go on and on with simple explanations here on how the USER IS RIGHT IN THIS SITUATION AND NO FRAMING IS OCCURRING 
















you may go ahead and give me a warning but seeing as XO is trying to AVOID this i think its necessary for him to understand he is in the wrong here 100% and the fact he is trying to confuse the moderators with other pointless things in stupid 





if he never received the 40m and the 20m went missing and this dispute was here then yeah


his claims may have some meaning but thats nothing of the sort and seems to me XO is the one here not following simple rules of  engagement by declining a basic refund or completion of service 

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Again after noticing he logged onto the account, I logged off the account and left everything as is and informed him that the service is cancelled with NO refund. He is simply trying to get some of his money back by framing me. Why would he lie about having an osbot account, Why would he lie about the items being "sold". ( first I sold the items, now hes saying I transferred them.) At first I was willing to refund the 20m hes claiming he lost but this is getting out of hand and I'm not refunding anything. Please end this dispute I need to get back to work. Thank you for your understanding/help Dexeiver and Anne.

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Also another reason to believe that everything he says is a lie. NOTE: how he says he has no osbot account and will create one tonight (September 25). Yet he received feedback on his osbot account on September 18.





He lied and then continued to break my TOS, now is trying to frame me. 

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Also another reason to believe that everything he says is a lie. NOTE: how he says he has no osbot account and will create one tonight (September 25). Yet he received feedback on his osbot account on September 18.





He lied and then continued to break my TOS, now is trying to frame me. 

The fact remains that you're refusing to refund the 40M that you did not have to do any work for. This is however exactly the reason why we instated the global TOS. There's no evidence of who took that 20M, so you can't be held resposible for that. But there's also no evidence of him logging onto the account as far as I can see. So you're going to have to refund him the 40M he paid for the service.

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just my 2 cents ( sorry but gotta help blackspear out )

its quite obvious here that the 20m in items are GONE

there will be no refund for them since its impossible to determine and the owner should have taken the items of and or had a bank pin established which wouldn't of mattered anyways since it gets deleted after a period of time so removing the items would of been the only option available

as to the 40m for the service

in my opinion it doesnt matter what his terms of service states cause the global terms are no one shale be scammed <----

if the user who is wanting the service ( and may i add ) payed the 40m upfront and everything

( at this time xo kid thought the user didn't even have a osbot account ) now since the user has the account he blames other things etc etc

which is suspicious to me since it makes the user needing the service more vulnerable and xo kid has been stating xyz over and over which proves absolutely nothing

seems to me that since the user has payed upfront and ( the items has went missing )

if xo kid stated in skype why were you on the account etc etc

it was simply a luring tactic to ensure that the user would log in a check on his account and everything and make sure he is getting what he has ALREADY PAID FOR

and to have the fact xo kid

broke the terms of agreement and didnt update him etc etc

i can go on and on with simple explanations here on how the USER IS RIGHT IN THIS SITUATION AND NO FRAMING IS OCCURRING





you may go ahead and give me a warning but seeing as XO is trying to AVOID this i think its necessary for him to understand he is in the wrong here 100% and the fact he is trying to confuse the moderators with other pointless things in stupid

if he never received the 40m and the 20m went missing and this dispute was here then yeah

his claims may have some meaning but thats nothing of the sort and seems to me XO is the one here not following simple rules of engagement by declining a basic refund or completion of service

Hi bro your a fucking a legend he claims i lied about not having an osbot acc which i stated i will be maoing ine later to********t already explained i had issues with the account activitation how ever thats not the case he claims i logged on the account which is not true, he failed to complete the service and he thinks he desserves to run away with my bank plus the 40m i paid upfront whoch is a complete joke.

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