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Help an OCD Runescaper out.


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Here's what I'm struggling with, no matter what game it is, I cannot stand having more than one account. Especially if I have multiple accounts with good achievements. It may sound weird, but I would much rather have one account with a 99 in a skill, than 4-5 accounts. 

I know that I could simply sell all my accounts and use one as my main, but it doesn't work out.

I have made plenty of account sales on gaming sites in the past and have kept positive feedback with the buyers. But my thought process is this, lets say I sold an account for $50.. in my head I'm repeatedly being told to take back the account. Why? Because I can. If I'm the creator of the account, I know for sure I could recover any of the accounts sold back which KILLS ME. If I leave the accounts alone, I will never feel 100% satisfied..but if I do recover an account back, I'm back to square one.



I have tried making an ironman account, sticking to a main and building it up, I just can't shake the thoughts of getting the accounts I have sold since day one back. 

Can someone please help me out?



Edited by Littlewayne
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Well if you had sold any of your accounts already and you were to recover them, that's scamming :\ I say just remake the same account and make it better than before.

I know it's scamming, that's kinda the worst part. I hate screwing over others, yet if I do nothing I'm just hurting myself.. making more accounts just makes it worse, In my head i'm thinking Instead of creating a whole new account to put hours into just to sell, why not just take the account back.. :(

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