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Let's CLEAR this Through.


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Mate, you have no idea what you're talking about. You say "I am smart, I know things", yet you don't post a single fucking piece of evidence, then you have the audacity to ask others to "back up ur statements". So right off the bat you make yourself look like a fucking moron.


Then, if that wasn't stupid enough, you actually make the claim that fishing is "great money" and that none of your accounts last longer than 24 hours after botting. I actually cannot tell if you're a really elaborate, subtle troll of if you're actually just this retarded.


For the record, I've had accounts where I stopped botting and played legit for a few days, only to have them delayed banned up to a week later. You are an inexperienced, unintelligent botter with an ego far too enormous for your tiny pea brain. Go back to school kid.


Wat evidence can I get? I never said I'm smart, yet you use it in a quote. & are you dumb? I botted over 24 hours & never got banned. How do you think im 87 fishing? You're the troll. & Oh boy I've never seen anyone get banned & had to wait 1 week to get banned. I've been banned over 20 times & that HAS NEVER happened to me. I wanted to clear this through because people think if you bot on the fishing account its gonna end up getting banned in a month for some odd reason. Clearly you are the retard. Stop trying to prove you're self right and say you got a delay ban up to a week later. That's bullshit, you botted & after you finished botting you did it legit & got banned next day. You are inexperienced. I know what I'm typing, you don't. You Random.

I've never been banned days after/months botting. I always get banned the same day I bot lol.

Thank you, ive been banned 20 times and never got banned days after/months of botting.

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