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Possible way to avoid chargebacks?


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So I was recently charge-backed and I'm currently disputing it via online files/phone calls, and I came across this post in a forum. My question is: would the following information as well as providing solid proof that the payment was NOT unauthorized work to ensure an unsuccessful chargeback? This may or may not work since I haven't tried it, but I'd just like to see some input from other people.


All of these posts are wrong.

You can write a mini "Terms of Service" of your own when negotiating on paypal.

Basically, contacts can be by word of mouth, or written. 

By the wonder of the internet, you can do this via paypal.

1. do NOT let them send you money, deny it instantly.

2. REQUEST Money from them for "Service"

3. Paypal will ask you what the "Title" of your request will be.
This is the title of the payment request they get in their email.
To make this work you MUST make the Title:

4. Put in the "Comments/Description" your own "Terms of Service" which should read:
By accepting the payment for $XXX.XX USD, you agree to the following terms of service:
1. You have received ALL services and goods in question, and the sale is FINAL.
2. There are NO refunds, returns, or chargebacks.
3. You will not create false paypal disputes regarding this transaction.

5. Instruct the person to READ the email, and screenshot that you've done so.
6. Do NOT give him the items before the trade, only after the payment has been made.

I've had NUMEROUS paypal disputes closed instantly when I bring this up to paypal. It is a legal binding contract.

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Y our cannot say that there will not be any returns, refunds or charge backs. PayPal doesn't care about that one part and it makes it look like you're going to scam them.

Also, receive money as goods and services, not as gift. Too many people fall victim to that.

Thirdly, show them proof of trade and you have a better chance of winning, but still not definite if it's as gift.

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Receiving as gift is bad for two things: it evades tax payments by PP (they're not taxed as heavily as goods/services), and it also means that there is no buyer protection (duh) because it's supposedly for your friend/family member.

Requesting isn't going to help much either. Only deal with verified PPs, get ID proof and accept as a payment for services.

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Y our cannot say that there will not be any returns, refunds or charge backs. PayPal doesn't care about that one part and it makes it look like you're going to scam them.

Also, receive money as goods and services, not as gift. Too many people fall victim to that.

Thirdly, show them proof of trade and you have a better chance of winning, but still not definite if it's as gift.

When showing proof, would you suggest not using pictures of the games as evidence, and instead use conversations + other means to prove it?

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When showing proof, would you suggest not using pictures of the games as evidence, and instead use conversations + other means to prove it?

I would show pictures also, just cover your name, but make sure to show their name.

Also, these people have no clue what rs is so be explicit.

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