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Dispute against jake1919


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Disputed member: jake1919


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Bought this acc from him to only see it recovered a few days later. He claims he was the only one with access to the email of the acc. When i try to recover the original email is again registered. So I make it send jake a the email link for recovery. He claimed nothing received. Secondly he said he would recover. after that no reply from him. seems to completly ignoring me. 


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@bellic, if you have evidence of there being additional wealth on the account, please provide it now and will also have to refund that. Incase there's no additional wealth will only have to refund you the initial value which he already did.

I can't prove. But he should stay twc. As I won't lie about it. I'll already took peace with the 3m :/ Why this twc should stay? An original owned with original email that cant recover, thats just fishy. And the fact that the old email is again linked to the account instead of the email I changed it to.

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Bellic seems to thin its ok to message my friends on facebook talking about runescape. would like this problem to stop. 

Note: I want be giving access to shit for this retard, he agreed the ToS then fucking messaged my friends on facebook asking if i scammed him? I don't know if he's mental or what but for here on out i'm ignoring this thread. 

Edited by jake1919
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