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Botting two accounts on same ip?


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Is it good or bad because wouldn't they see its from the same ip and they probably record like actions on what you are doing for example I clicked on an item at 10:23:12 and my other account clicked some where else but at the same time (10:23:12), and be like its not possible to click on two different clients at the very same time?

So yeah good or bad?

Edited by Slander
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good or bad? You are never safe when botting, so it doesn't really matter anyways. and 2 accs doesn't say too much on the same ip, it different if you're running 4+.

i'd say it's as "good" as running 1 acc on ip. also if they are not doing the same thing, you most likely won't get chain banned on both.

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Is it good or bad because wouldn't they see its from the same ip and they probably record like actions on what you are doing for example I clicked on an item at 10:23:12 and my other account clicked some where else but at the same time (10:23:12), and be like its not possible to click on two different clients at the very same time?

So yeah good or bad?


I always bot 2 accounts on the same IP, no issues but it's hard to say since the bot executioner is still on vacation.

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