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AFK to Maxed


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nice progress happy.png

how long can you go with the torag and dfs setup before restarting?


i bring 2 sets as torags is so cheap, i think they last 10 hours of combat each, about 11 hours each in NMZ as there are some small breaks where you are out of melle while they respawn


so i think 22 hours

102 CB now, making gains


i wont get much progress or time to update today.

heading out with the misses


Ill update it tomorrow morning :P

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This thread will be logging my progress of AFKing, 4 accounts to maxed CB stats



Day 1/30

I start at the 4 at cave bugs and afk to 50+ att and 60+ def

I was initally going to do 70 70 but its way to slow.




Low requirements

Easy to get to

Great for low levels


Very low xp/slow to get levels

cant train strength



It took about 7 days to get 60 60 on all 4 accounts


Day 9/30

I completed tree gnome villiage, fight arena, and vamp slayer for extra attack xp and headed to bandits,


I used my regen method explained HERE to AFK for up2 1 hour at a time.

(soz cant post link to it because its a different forum)




Really fast xp and very little effort.



Have to stay close to PC and eat every so often

Cant afk for more than 1 hour without SGS


After a while i compelted lost city for d long and got to 70+ attack





Day 13/30

I completed moutain daughter and splashed to 70+ magic



Cheap and 6 hour afkable


Slow xp if you use mind runes

expencive if you use higher runes





Day 15/30

I bought some good gear and went nightmare zone




Can AFK for a long time.

From 80 def you can afk in guthans for 6 hours+ without dying

from 90+ def you can afk in maxed melle gear for 2 hours+ without dying.

Amazing XP

Free pots/overloads/food

makes about 30-40k profit/hour when high level


Quests take around 1 hour to complete

requirements for quests take about 2 hours per account (makes it slow on multiple accounts)




I cant afford tassys yet on all accounts so just using D skirts



Stat progress





Day 17/30


Spent the day grinding str with sarasword its much less afk due to no shield

have to reset every 45 mins instead of every 1-2+hours





got 77+ everything then Changed up there gear, 


removed serp helm it was burning like 2-3m/day on each account (125k per hour)

so going full torags with DFS now, 



DAY 18/30



Still at NMZ

I have managed to sell a few more accounts and get alot more RSGP,

so I have upgraded the gear and got some more gains






Going to continue working on full bandos on the other 2 accounts and after 85 attack and def i will grind str again.

Its much harder because AFK time drops from 2-3 hours to 1-1.30 hours without a shield


Ill hopefully get to 90 90 90 by the end of the week



Day 19/30


Big update today.


I Grinded out 44 prayer on all 4 accounts and managed to get over the 100CB mile stone

I know its not AFK but i want prayer for a trip of bandos on the four accounts at the end


I have also changed the gear to full guthans with the treasonous ring (i) +8 stab

This allows me to afk for 6 hours with very little effort and means i can start working on more accounts while this ones max

Sadly it is slower XP so I will be doing updates every 2-3 days instead of every 1 day from now on.











Future goals

going to stay at nightmare zone now until 99 att str def 

I am currently getting 60k+ xp /hour so 90+ should take less than a week


99 in probably 2 weeks



Mini goals?



Now that i have prayer I am tempted to do Jad on all 4, with melle gear till Jad then trident

This should not be to hard at 90+ def and HP so maybe get it done next week

It would mean getting 73-75 magic but that would not take long.



I want to take them to GWD all at one time.

Completeing a few quests are required to get there, death plegue and troll stronghold

Sadly completing troll stronghold unlocks DAD the mountain troll in NMZ which will ruin my training.


So cant do that until they are all 4 are maxed melle (99 att, str, def, HP)


Bando's vs Arma?

Bandos will be easy on these accounts because they will have maxed melle stats

and should make a sweet profit from it tongue.png



I could max out range aswell or even aim for 90 or 95, then take all 4 to arma. 

Much better loots there, but much more time required to get the accounts ready


the other option is 2 make 4 more especially for arma, with 75 def and 99 range

it wouldn't take as long as I could just train to 50+ def at cave bugs then use long range in nmz


What do you think? 

please vote on the straw poll found here


or drop me a comment 




I will update shortly smile.png



Great goals!


Keep it up man!

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Updated added day 22

sorry for no updates over the weekend was very busy


We also have the results in from the straw poll





so i will be starting 4 new accounts today to get ready for range training in NMZ


what starts are you planning on having on the 4 arma accounts before going to nmz with them?

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what gear would u use at nmz?


Dragon helm & skirt studded top def obby shield arma c bow till 70 def

Torags helm and legs and arma plate @ 70 (maybe arma legs aswell)

upgrade obby shield to dfs at 75 def

or maybe that shiled odium i think its called


the range one

Will mix and match till i find the best set up with high def and high range bonus :P

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