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small chance of skype compromised


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due to the recent occurence[possiblity] of my skype being compromised im informing you all to delete my skype "beezmans" from wolf us till further notice 



also to service if it is true and my skype is compromised ill be paying u 4m 07 for what i took off the job u did i apologize if that did occur





I am stating there is a chance this is no admission of guilt or anything just a notice to those who may be at risk. the reason im saying this is b/c ive had 3 accounts hacked on details ive left thru skype [although there was workers on the account and they couldve possibly stole im taking precautions currently]

i am currently testing out to see if my skype is compromised 

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good news people i left 7m on a mule and provided the account details over skype over the past 24-36 hours the account has not been touched as such my skype is not compromised!


That doesn't prove anything. It's like saying if you leave a cookie in front of a kid and they don't take it, then all of your food is fine. What if they are waiting for the whole cake? :doge:

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That doesn't prove anything. It's like saying if you leave a cookie in front of a kid and they don't take it, then all of your food is fine. What if they are waiting for the whole cake? doge.png

too bad im switching skypes either way my computer has no rats ive ran 2 virus scans so its physically impossible for my skype to be compromised atless you know how to hack a skype and not hack a runescape account with 2b 07 :) 

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