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Recruiting workers for Blast Furnace and general account creation service!


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How many hours are you active per day: honestly no telling. work a full time job amother other life duties, at least 1 hour per day but not consistenly. lol. weekends are my main playing time
Your skype: not sure. If you give me yours i can add you. (new skype on windows 8 i am stupid at)


(did I just make myself look like a n00be??) :doge:

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How many hours are you active per day: honestly no telling. work a full time job amother other life duties, at least 1 hour per day but not consistenly. lol. weekends are my main playing time

Your skype: not sure. If you give me yours i can add you. (new skype on windows 8 i am stupid at)


(did I just make myself look like a n00be??) doge.png

PM'd you my Skype. Awaiting favourable reply.

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