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Scammed by US Air Force and GarrettM20


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Disputed member: Garretm20, US air force

Thread Link           :http://osbot.org/forum/topic/71732-selling-main/#entry792805

Explanation: I bought the account off this guy who said that he bought it off US AIR FORCE and had it for over 3 months, I go on to play and my account is locked, I try to recover but it fails and the password changes after a week of it being locked, I contacted us air force and garretm20 but garret did not respond to my message for 2 weeks while us air force said report it and he will help me recover it back which he hasn't
















Us air force is original owner that sold to garrettm20 but Air force refuses to help me and is trying to look legit by saying " file a report and I will help you"    luckily the account had only 2m on it. 

Edited by korypoo
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Please follow the template and edit your post accordingly - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/44082-dispute-report-template-rules/


Also you are not giving us anything to go off here, please take a screenshot of the disputed members Skype + the MM's and we will need proof that the account is indeed out of your possession. Any other screenshots you could provide which may be able to assist us would be great, thanks.

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I typed in the email address that I used to create the account with and that's not the currently connected one, if you have another way let me know

The picture is visible to all staff members.


sigh you guys are useless. 

I've notified @GarrettM20 of the dispute, he has 24 hours to reply.


Could you please provide us with screenshots of the whole Skype conversation along with pictures of @GarrettM20's and @Trustmybet's Skype profile?

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