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afk to maxed day 6 update


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Two weeks ago i found a new way to AFK in rs that requires almost no effort at all..


At the min it takes 1 click every 68 mins


Thread can be found here





To test this i created a account and afked to 50 50 50 at rock crabs 


That took 2 days.


Then i afked at bandits with my new method for around 20 hours (5 per day)












That beast total level :)





Anyway... after 75 attack i think i can make it afk for 24/7 without any effort.



So then i will start 24/7ing... should be maxed in 2 weeks



I will post updates 

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i havent really checked... im at 636kxp in def now and its just turned 5:00 so ill check again in 15mins and work it out for you.

im also afking my pure in nightmare zone but its not cheap :P




Hey I'd be interested in knowing what kind of xp/hr you hit. Im currently afking in NMZ, got a method where you can profit and requires input once every 70 mins or so and i get 65kxp an hour.

I got 9.8k xp in 10 mins


so im guessing 60k/hour 

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