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Got banned for using the free monk script.

Botted literally 5 hours and got a permanent ban on a 2 year old account with some very nice staking stats... almost maxed ranged boxer/rune scim fighter

40 att 80 strength 1 def 1 pray 78 hp 86 range


took hell of long to get those levels legit now they are all gone because i wanted to bot strength for some extra hp lvls..


banned forever for just 5 hours and only gained about 60k xp in those five hours at monks....

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yeah... i didnt know about the mirror client or any of that shit... no warnings saying the free client isnt as safe when you start it up for the first time

im new here


im not going to even buy vip because i hear you get banned just as easy with mirror client as if you didnt...


so im paying these chinese people to level my account up for me legitimately.

just brought 1-93 ranged on a fresh lvl 3. its been 2 days and they have got it to level 64 and counting for me without the use of bots(?)

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i was botting in an empty world at night time with like 150 players on i watched it and nobody came in contact with me

You chose somewhere to bot that is highly watched - That isn't a issue with the client or the website.

gtfo if it isn't the client or website what is it? ME? jagex banned me for being a bot. I am a bot. A human. You sound dumb af.


It's obviously the client (free client).

If it wasn't the client, what the fuck is the point of purchasing VIP to get the mirrior client if the free client is so safe "nothing is wrong with the client" gtfo here troll. trying to disagree just to have something to talk about

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The client makes no difference, it's you - As people have said "You bot at your own risk" so it's all based on you, and you decided YET again to bot a heavily watched area, just because there isn't a giant crowd of players there it doesn't mean that jagex don't know where people are common to bot.

So you're now being rude because you are in the wrong? Smart logic my friend, it makes no difference if you're on MIRROR client or not, the fact remains yes although it reduces bans it isn't unstoppable, and you chose again something that is highly botted always has been.

Okay, if the client makes no difference, why the fuck is there two? Why the fuck do you have to buy one and why is one of them free? If it "makes no difference". I did bot at my own risk and botted heavily on this account 2 years ago to get it where the stats are today (currently banned now because of OSBOT). I botted Monks on a members world with less than 200 players on it and watched it the whole five hours.


I botted green dragons with the outfit on other accounts. I botted experiments 24/7 on other accounts and other bot clients. No bans. But magically I log into this OSBot 'free' client and get banned while logged in botting for less than 5 hours at a place where nobody even came in contact with me.


Jagex watches green dragons. More people bot green dragons and experiments than monks. I botted rock crabs and got placed into bot worlds and still didn't get banned on these other clients.


I know botting is my own risk, duh. Obviously the client contributed to be getting banned since I have never been banned ever in rs botting until I use this free shit with the shitty free script for less than 5 hours on a old account.

it ain't me you dumb bitch lmaoo its yo mama you flappy lip ass ********a gtfo

everybody knows it the free client


there wouldnt be an option to choose between clients if shit didnt matter u sound sooo stupid

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Stop the ignorance mate, it makes no difference how many people actually took part in that world at that time or before that or after that.

The fact remains - You're bitching and complaining about "being banned" mouthing off at me for simply explaining a issue that you're claiming isn't you, when it actually is. Really you should look at it this way - You could be one of a million people that wins the lottery, just because you enter it doesn't always mean you will walk away with something. So really you're leading yourself back to the same result again - You chose to bot, no one FORCED you to you chose to remember that - With that being said a free yes FREE script, that isn't a premium (quite clearly I need to tell you this) which means there are not as good functions and anti-bans etc, it's all luck of the draw which is what you're not realizing.

A quick bit of advice : man the fuck up.

u make no fucking sense at all lmao fuck you gtfo


u say the difference now but before u said the clients didnt matter, now they have different anti bans and better support, fuck you lmao you stupid af stop replying to my thread you spastic cunt

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lols uck my dick i still got millions and i got a new account build right now with these chinese people playing on my account u mad?


Now you are just being an ass. People were telling you the reason you were banned. No need to be an idiot about it. Locking your thread if i see you start being offensive to members again you will receive warning points.

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