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Looking for a GFX of a real life picture


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Hello designers,

I am looking for someone who is able to design a cool picture which I can

print, use as desktop background and so on.


I would give you a real photo of me and my girlfriend and you would try to make some art out of it.

This means not photoshopping the original picture, I mean creating a complete new gfx version of it.

Something cool and very high quality.

Here is a good example:

Let's say the picture would be 4 girls looking like the once on the picture playing in the sea with a ball.

A very good result would be this http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/267/1/c/pokegirls_at_the_beach_by_dmy_gfx-d5ft6so.jpg

Of course it should look like the real life people and so on. Hard to explain I hope you get what my point is


Please name your PP price below smile.png



- Payment via paypal

- I will pay 25% extra if I love the picture

- I will pay 25% less if I don't like the picture

- YOU DO NOT LEAK the original photo that I give, however you can put the final result in your portfolio


Please let me know if you would like to do it.


Thank you smile.png



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