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The clan that will change the Matrix.


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  On 4/16/2015 at 4:08 AM, SaveEdit said:

SaveEdit. I want to make bank ^.^


We got you in bro , glad to have you!

  On 4/16/2015 at 3:53 AM, justo98 said:

Justo_96 is osrs name



  On 4/16/2015 at 3:54 AM, Fade said:




  On 4/16/2015 at 3:54 AM, afrobottin said:


You're all in thanks for joining up! lets do this :)

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  On 4/16/2015 at 2:48 AM, gebotter said:

Hi, Many of you know me as GeBotter with relationships either formed through the chatbox, through my services, or random forum post. 

I have been here for a month to date, I started on 3/15/2015 with today marking my 1 month anniversary 4/15/2015 with the community boards, and in this time I have accumulated a great number of friends, business acquaintances , tools to further my growth , the ability to teach others "Which when I came here I hadn't pictured anyone asking me for advice" let alone people requesting guides / livestream tutoring sessions", but with all the fun I've had so far the money I've made IRL with the support of everyone puts what I had expected to shame.

    At this point I currently have earned with association to this site alone in 30 days of joining a total of $3,600+ USD and with all this stated, It is time for me to launch a clan in which driven members will push toward a Runescape monopoly , we will do this through structured g.e investments, persistent gold farming methods,gold flipping, staking crews to truly clean the d.a, luring, gambling, and I form some good real life connections for years to come as well.

  I want to teach everyone what I have gained in knowledge on how to turn  gp to IRL $$ , I don't bring animosity , nor do I bring an ulterior motive , but just to bring a group of strong minded individuals together into a force that can make us all very wealthy young adults, or for those making money like Pablo ... even wealthier.

  So lets get this going, I know a few people who have already mentioned they would be ecstatic with hopping aboard, so if this is something you are interested in just post your name, make a statement , and when I post the clan thread I will implement it into a clan list. For now I'll just edit past them as far as I can go, show the love people no hating ^.^


I will also be hosting a .com with guides ect on everything gains from OSRS and online systems , clan forums anyone? would be nice for private investments ect that we don't want flooded, and maybe open it up to OSB VIP users/donorseccttt.




Members List, 4/15/2015 8:45pm WestCoast U.S Updated














I am interested, 

please shoot me a PM with all details or text me in the chatbox or send me a PM with your skype so I can add you :)

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  On 4/16/2015 at 5:53 AM, AgsProd said:

AgsProd for dem gp gainz.



  On 4/16/2015 at 7:41 AM, Oliver said:

I am interested, 

please shoot me a PM with all details or text me in the chatbox or send me a PM with your skype so I can add you smile.png



  On 4/16/2015 at 8:04 AM, NoMar02 said:

My wish is to make €'s.


I got ll the requests taken care of:)

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