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Required investment to bot?


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I don't think you need all the bells and whistles, just bot smart. This means bot like you would play. I took a level 3 right out of tutorial island, gave him 3m and a bond for when he got his skills up, and in 2 days botted 65 fishing. If you can't sit and say fish for 3 hours without breaking, then the safest route is not to bot it. I personally do 2 hours botting, 5-6 hour break which still nets me 6 hours of botting a day. 2 weeks later, that character is still going strong.


Also, don't just do 1 skill. Kill chickens for 20 minutes and cook the raw chicken or something, diversify the portfolio. Do fishing one day, mining the next, then woodcutting, maybe fishing again, or maybe 3 different skills a day. Questing also helps, but the key idea is **to not seem like a bot**


Honestly, only reason I bought VIP was to get rid of the ads...


Lastly, since you said "when you get unbanned" I'd be very cautious as you're most likely flagged and will be watched closely.

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