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Proxy Setup [Purchase --> Client Configuration]


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I am currently running three bots with proxies that I purchased off of Virmach. I also play on a legit account as well, through OSBuddy. Will the account on OSBuddy appear to be running off of my legit IP address, or the proxy?


osbuddy will be running off ur legit IP, are you using the same proxy for the 3 bots or you using a different proxy for each bot?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ryankevin1201

hello, i bought a vps and it just doesn't get passed the screen that says 'you last logged in as" and i can't log in or add a bot.


Then after waiting a short time, it says:


"This error can occur when the local network system aborts a connection, such as when WinSock closes an established connection after data retransmission fails."

Socket/Exception: "This error can occur when the local network system aborts a connection, such as when WinSock closes an established connection after data retransmission fails."


Not sure how to fix this error. I'm trying to run two separate clients...

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, I'm new to all this clearly, i've always just been a basic botter, never using proxies/Mirror modes.. I have a questions about all this, clearly i'm V.I.P so I have mirror mode, I purchased the proxy, entered all the info.


1. Can I use my proxy with Mirror mode? because it says 'please note that proxies are not supported yet' (Does that mean my proxy isn't working in mirror mode)


2. If my ip is flagged, how can I check to make sure my proxy is working?


Appreciate it if you could shoot me a PM or just quote this, thanks man !

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  • Developer

Hey, I'm new to all this clearly, i've always just been a basic botter, never using proxies/Mirror modes.. I have a questions about all this, clearly i'm V.I.P so I have mirror mode, I purchased the proxy, entered all the info.


1. Can I use my proxy with Mirror mode? because it says 'please note that proxies are not supported yet' (Does that mean my proxy isn't working in mirror mode)


2. If my ip is flagged, how can I check to make sure my proxy is working?


Appreciate it if you could shoot me a PM or just quote this, thanks man !


The reason why proxies don't work in Mirror is because we don't control the loading of the game. The loading is handled by Jagex's official client or whatever you're using to load RS. So, when those programs support proxies, it will be usable. We have no control over that situation.

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