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Write a short story about anything [paying 10m 07]


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write a story about anything, that includes the following words.














keep it at highschool level vocabulary. story can be about ANYTHING. if i feel i can hand in your story at school, ill pay 10m

you can post it here or pm me it. please no trolls

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There are so many issues with this thread.

For one, this has nothing to do with the purpose of the real-life section(This is more like a service request).
Had you said something like "Ugh this home work sucks and then said because I have to write a paper using all these words" That would be more fitting.

Even then as a service request this isn't allowed because of rule #10 of the market.



10. Please keep in mind that the following items are not to be sold on the OSBot Market for your own safety. Doing so, will result in immediate removal of your thread, and possibly more severe consequences depending on the item you're trying to promote -


  • Hacker items like keyloggers, phishers and RAT's. Any other program or tool used for hacking.
  • Hacked accounts (forum, game, paypal accounts, etc..).
  • Stolen items (accounts, guides, methods, tutorials, etc..)
  • Accounts and/or subscriptions for porn websites.
  • Torrents.
  • Loans of any sort and/or donation requests.
  • Private servers.
  • Physical items.
  • Any type of Educational Services. <-------------------------------------------
  • Private Server Account/Gold
  • Anything illegal by law
  • Methods
  • Account Giveaways
  • Gambling


I am afraid I am going to have to lock this for now, or you need to remove your request to pay someone to do your homework.

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