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Pug Back On it - Making Gp To Sell - Come See


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Thought i was guna be on for a good decent profit yesterday i was dissapointed when i got back from work because only one account

had run untill it had no more items, the other has stopped two hours after i left because of this fucking weird annoying bug :@ #rage

I'm off from work now so going to monitor them both like a hawk today and beast out some good profit.

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nice guys! Forgot to post yesterday s sorry about that butttt, ive achieved my first personal goal. I have doubled my money in just 9 days! excellent. Making crazy money today running from about 11am to 10pm at night with 30, 40 & 50 minutes inbetween each hour or so, also have put in random 20-30 second disconnection or AFK breaks just to make it better. Hope to add another account tomorrow to make it running three accounts. So hopefully that should be... around 9-10m a day. Thats a decent amount for me to sell gold per day.



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Really good week this week. Been putting alot of effort into gathering resources and i also added another account to my botting collection. I run two accounts for 10-12 hours in the day and i run the third over night for 10 hours. Making some really nice profit. If you take it per day i am making around 750k / hr at this time. I hope in the coming weeks to add another account so i have two running over night. Here are my stats which i have changed to per week now instead. Hope yu guys can still understand it.


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