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Mahiro's Professional Review's. Increase your shop/service/product's reputation!


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I'm going to be providing a Review Service. Let me explain what this means...
If you want your product/shop/service to be reviewed, you will come to me and I will provide you with a very detailed review. The review will be public, and depending on how you look at it you will either get GREAT success because of my review, or you will go into decline(Due to a bad review). Whether you want to take that chance or not, that's up to you.
- I will be completely honest.
- I will not re-sell your product. (If it's something like an E-Book)
- If I give you a bad review, you can be re-reviewed in a week.
- A payment of at least $0.25 will be sent to me after I've agreed to review your service. (You will choose your own price for my review)
- I will not tolerate flame against me If I give you a bad review. You payed for a detailed honest review.
- No refunds. (Unless I'm unable to do your review in 4 days)

You choose!
(At least $0.25)

1. Send me a PM & Post on this thread asking for a review.
2. Send me a minimum payment of $0.25
3. You will do me a service, provide me a copy with your e-book, etc.
4. That's it!

After you've done those steps, I will review your product/service/shop in great detail.

Note: I completely understand if you don't want a review on your service. Spending time on something and not getting an instant payout would be difficult for me to do myself. but... With my review you will be vouched, and you will get a lot more customers.

Note 2: I'm currently going through hard times right now, technically homeless, but I'm currently living with my friend. This will not effect my ability to review. I desperately need money, so if you would like to pay a little bit more than usual for a review, It would be greatly appreciated.
Anything over $5(Starting price) will get you an advertisement spot in my signature. (Dignity donated to me, such a great guy <3)

What are you waiting for? Get your product/service/shop reviewed now and increase your reputation quick!

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