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LOL this fucking guy...


Tried to submit an update AFTER I released... (trying to win the VIP)




If you looked at the code behind the release you would see that instead of reading url parameters the program reads http request headers. Also I changed the password after the release because I knew someone would try.


The code to add:

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;

public class Adder {
	static String AddData() throws IOException {
		URL theURL = new URL("https://fayosbot.appspot.com/api/request/create");
		URLConnection uc = theURL.openConnection();
		uc.addRequestProperty("secretKey", "!23KeyMaker32!");
		uc.addRequestProperty("name", "Alek");
		uc.addRequestProperty("exp", "0");
		uc.addRequestProperty("time", "1");
		uc.addRequestProperty("password", "Alek");
		uc.addRequestProperty("state", "HerbChecking");
		uc.addRequestProperty("position", "[-1,-1,-1]");
		return SourceBuilder.sourceBuilder(uc.getInputStream());

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I thought I was retarded.....he could have at least tried to send a POST....

It doesn't even currently read post data if you try to post I believe it gives a 405 error. The reason behind this is because I have no idea how to do post requests in java. Or I don't think I do. The code posted above it just a simple get request but takes the parameters from the url like TheScrub mentioned.

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It doesn't even currently read post data if you try to post I believe it gives a 405 error. The reason behind this is because I have no idea how to do post requests in java. Or I don't think I do. The code posted above it just a simple get request but takes the parameters from the url like TheScrub mentioned.

Why not just POST JSON data instead of a ton of individual parameters? This will allow you to do more things in the future instead of being restricted to the 256 character limit on the URL. I've never sent a POST request in Java however http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4205980/java-sending-http-parameters-via-post-method-easily should get you started.

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Why not just POST JSON data instead of a ton of individual parameters? This will allow you to do more things in the future instead of being restricted to the 256 character limit on the URL. I've never sent a POST request in Java however http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4205980/java-sending-http-parameters-via-post-method-easily should get you started.

Thank you for the link I'll look into switching the method on the weekend. The way I have it set now I believe I have a 1024 byte limit instead of 256 char limit I'll look into that as well.

Trustmybet, what is it that you don't understand? I'll explain anything to you.

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Why not just POST JSON data instead of a ton of individual parameters? This will allow you to do more things in the future instead of being restricted to the 256 character limit on the URL. I've never sent a POST request in Java however http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4205980/java-sending-http-parameters-via-post-method-easily should get you started.


Looked into the limit and incoming requests when posted in the request headers are up to 16kb.




I need to get started on writing the documentation for how to implement my website into the scripts. 

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