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Where can i find the overal changes of osbot1 to osbot2?


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Pretty much all i can say is, they organized the api. If you go to MethodProviders thats where it will show you most of a main classes, like bank, inventory. They add in Trade, Shop, DepositBank etc. You could find more in the MethodProvider class. LINK


They allowed us to add in are own listeners. LINK for example you would need to implements adding the mouseListener.


What else can i say, they add in a couple of cool interfaces/class that we can use. Different types of MouseDestinations LINK , also theirs different types of Filters LINK. There's many more.


And as far as find you a link of updates this is all i could find. LINK


Good luck man, the start is always the hardest, but it get easier over time :P

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