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Ban Rate of Alching PLZ?


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Hey there bud, 


For alching I don't see a really big ban rate on it. But going to duel arena or pest control bank is not really recommended. You'd be better off going somewhere more crowded like Varrock west bank w330 or something where theres people but its not packed. As always don't suicide bot, and babysit your bot every couple of hours. 


With alching scripts there has been issues and bugs were it just left clicks the item your trying to alch, and it'll do that for hours mind you if you let it. 


Since Alching you can make profit but not use it as a goldfarmer (Since its more combat than skill) It has a lower ban rate than say woodcutting or range guild. But that's not to say it's unbannable. You can still easily get banned just as any other script, that's why its critical to monitor your bot and put in breaks. 



Don't let their main attention be on YOU let them focus on a wide variety of players. 


Edited by addrian
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