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What section on OSBot is a good section to ask math questions from members?


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I am sorry I am at work so its hard to reply to your questions. For number 8 consider this:


(n+1)! = n! * (n+1)

now rewrite that expression as


((n!) * (n + 1) / n!) - n


You can then cancel out the top n! with the bottom n! leaving us with:

n + 1 - n

from there its obvious that the answer is just 1





Ok now that I have time to answer your second question, a variable to a negative power is 1/variable^positive power


eg: v^-2 = 1/(v^2)


Using that you first add up all exponents, resulting in the condensed expression:

r^(2+2/3) * t^(-1)


= r^(8/3) * (1/t)


= (r^(8/3)) / t



If I am unclear or said something stupid I apoligize, I am standing up outside in 100 degree heat on a computer at work l0l


It is quite difficult to make proofs in these conditions xD


Ty m8y :)

I explained both the questions fully though over Skype to him :)

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Haahah nice!

Yeah you need quite good Mathematical skills for Comp ang and Comp science smile.png

Any desired career?


Well if your asking if I have a dream career, it would be working for Intel or Nvidia. I want to be more on the hardware design side, hence the reason that I picked computer engineering, not software engineering or CS. But I highly doubt that I will ever make it there. xD


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