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Molly's Thiever


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Posting a proggy (wish I would have gotten the last two just never thought about it).



As for what I think:

1. Constantly clicks the master farmer, even when stunned. This could be normal but I think it shouldn't do that for obvious reasons.

2. Sometimes misclicks and does click one of the guards near the wine stall.

3. Sometimes when in Draynor if you start in the bank, the script runs towards the master farmer then runs back into the bank then back and then it works just fine.

4. Silk stall - Seems not to work?.. or its REALLY slow. Just stands there.

The quality is good, but could use more work. I will be purchasing this script within a week or so. Thanks for giving me trial period.



Had a 6 hour run, no problems.

Had that one at 2 hours, slight problem with the guards (easy correction).


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Molly is the bot working yet? Has your update been pushed?



Hey some issues when trying to thieve from ardy knights, guards work, but when setting it up to thieve ardy knights for me it just runs from bank and stands in center ardy.

Had the same bug but in the opposite direction, log just said WALKBANK and it was standing where the paladins are when it should have been going back to the bank. Sorry I didn't get a 

Thanks, I'll be looking into these shortly. Just got home from class and need to do some work around then house then I'll be sitting down to script.

Posting a proggy (wish I would have gotten the last two just never thought about it).



As for what I think:

1. Constantly clicks the master farmer, even when stunned. This could be normal but I think it shouldn't do that for obvious reasons.

2. Sometimes misclicks and does click one of the guards near the wine stall.

3. Sometimes when in Draynor if you start in the bank, the script runs towards the master farmer then runs back into the bank then back and then it works just fine.

4. Silk stall - Seems not to work?.. or its REALLY slow. Just stands there.

The quality is good, but could use more work. I will be purchasing this script within a week or so. Thanks for giving me trial period.



Had a 6 hour run, no problems.

Had that one at 2 hours, slight problem with the guards (easy correction).

1. With the Master Farmer clicking the script should be sleeping for around 1.5 seconds after being stunned, I just checked it now and since the stun lasts longer than 1.5 seconds it starts clicking whilst still stunned, this will be fixed. 


2. Misclicking unfortunately will happen, it has to do with OSBot's interaction method however I can easily make the bot run away if under attack, this will be implemented in the next update. If you change the setting in RS under "controls" I believe, you can make it so everything attackable must be right clicked to be attacked, this also will resolve the issue and I can make the bot enable that option by default as well.


3. This will be fixed


4. The way thieving the stalls works is the script will detect if there are any guards or knights in range to detect you while you steal from the stall, if there is the bot will sleep for a second to avoid being attacked by a guard for stealing. The log should state this is why it is not doing anything, if it's not please let me know.


I'm happy you liked the script, the quality will improve significantly over the next few days. Version 3 consisted of me completely rewriting the script, and while I tested everything I could I was not able to test them as extensively as I would have liked. Thanks for reporting these issues so I can resolve them quickly.


You gave it already?

Yes, there is 3 days left on your trial now, just double checked to make sure.

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Paladin thieving should work properly in next release, I believe the issue was a bug with walking which should now be fixed. Knights have temporarily been removed, the problem with knights was simply a typo in the code however there are too few of them and they wander too far. I will work on implementing them when I get free time, but as it stands they would have caused far more problems than they would be worth. @Venomm All of the issues you mentioned should be resolved. The bot may still click an npc a bit early while thieving but there will not be the spam clicking long before the stun has worn off like before.


Menaphite thugs have been implemented for black jacking, please let me know if any bugs occur when thieving them.  The bot uses Nardah to bank and thieves the Menaphites near the southern carpet in Polli. You need a black jack equipped for this method.

Edited by Molly
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Ended up getting a temp ban right when I hit 98 thieving. I have been kinda suiciding to grind out the last 2 levels so that's definitely why. Had no problems with 8-10 hour days 5 days in a row every week; looks like they caught on to me though. Will still be using the script to finish up 99 because I'm lazy. Will keep you posted.

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Paladin thieving should work properly in next release, I believe the issue was a bug with walking which should now be fixed. Knights have temporarily been removed, the problem with knights was simply a typo in the code however there are too few of them and they wander too far. I will work on implementing them when I get free time, but as it stands they would have caused far more problems than they would be worth. @Venomm All of the issues you mentioned should be resolved. The bot may still click an npc a bit early while thieving but there will not be the spam clicking long before the stun has worn off like before.


Menaphite thugs have been implemented for black jacking, please let me know if any bugs occur when thieving them.  The bot uses Nardah to bank and thieves the Menaphites near the southern carpet in Polli. You need a black jack equipped for this method.


It misclicked I believe at menaphite thugs and had it attacking, so I observed and it tried to move away but didn't move enough so it just died.


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Just tried again at the silk stall. It seems as if it just stands there again. It says "thieving" or whatever, but still seems to stand there. Hopefully you can get the same bug as I am having.


Which silk stall are you at, so I can attempt to replicate the issue? 

Awesome script from 38-58 thanks for the trial man .. Probally will buy this one. biggrin.png

Happy you like it.

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