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oh google


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The irony of a company who makes profit off of selling your personal details making fun of the NSA.


Google doesn't sell your information, you noob. They sell adspace but the information is never sold, you basically tell them i want adspace and i want to target everyone in California between the ages of 18-35 that like dogs. Which is why I respect and use Google.


I love Google even more than I love you.

Edited by Th3
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Google doesn't sell your information, you noob. They sell adspace but the information is never sold, you basically tell them i want adspace and i want to target everyone in California between the ages of 18-35 that like dogs. Which is why I respect and use Google.


I love Google even more than I love you.

Please tell me you're joking. Someone as sexy as you cannot be this naive.

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They are indeed big because they do not sell the information. If they sold their information to others, there would be no need for google anymore.

Of course they don't release everything, but most of it is sold off in chunks. The irony of them calling out the NSA for infringing privacy rights is that they themselves collect data about everything you do.

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Of course they don't release everything, but most of it is sold off in chunks. The irony of them calling out the NSA for infringing privacy rights is that they themselves collect data about everything you do.




But its data people accepted to share with Google. If you don't want them to collect information about you, you simply don't use their services. Where NSA collects regardless of what you want. The anonymous data they sell is just for statistics. They don't give them your personal information, so who cares. Their ad system has helped countless businesses, so a user searching for pc parts doesn't get an ad about a cupcake restaurants. 

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