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33m xp using a s*** bot , still not banned ?!

Hopeless Inc

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I was chopping some yews in Edgeville and there was a woodcutting bot. As usual, I decided to close the door to make it stuck. As I was using Orion's client, I decided to check the bot's stats. 99 woodcutting, 33m exp, rank 21. WTF ?! How can someone bot up to 33m exp using a shitty script that get stuck when the door is closed? Here's a picture of his stats :


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I was chopping some yews in Edgeville and there was a woodcutting bot. As usual, I decided to close the door to make it stuck. As I was using Orion's client, I decided to check the bot's stats. 99 woodcutting, 33m exp, rank 21. WTF ?! How can someone bot up to 33m exp using a shitty script that get stuck when the door is closed? Here's a picture of his stats :



Should never kill a bot, when you're a botter urself bro :(


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