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me being DDoSed on Xbox Live - i need help


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So yesterday i was playing call of duty with a few friends and we were playing league play, and during a game, me and two of my friends were kicked offline and my family lost wifi power as well, i went through and reset the router, and now when i try to sign into xbox live, a screen comes up saying "IP error" it tells me to reset router for 30 secs, and I did. If anyone else has ever had this happen before, it would be GREATLY appreciated if you could help me out. thanks :)

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Like Mind Tricks said. Use VPN, because they have DDoS protection, so it will halt small attacks. If it's DoS attack you could try to get this guy's IP-address and report it to your internet provider.Or just contact you provider, they probably can see proof of the attack from the logs. If this guy is using zombies just go with the VPN.

Edited by Aeon
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