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How can i accurately gage "Items collected"?

Guest Apogee

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Guest Apogee

When picking this item up, there's no game message. So therefor, i can't use onMessage. (I feel this is the most reliable way of adding info to paint.)


When i pick the item up, the script sometimes miss clicks and adds +1 to int "looted" anyways. 



This is what i have now. 

So my question to you is: What is a way that i can accurately detect when this item is picked up?


I thought about getting the current count in the inventory then when it enters the inventory it looted++'s but i couldn't figure it out.

Any help is appreciate. Looking to learn.

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Guest Apogee

get inventory count before and compare to after, if it is greater,  looted ++ or (difference between inventory count before and after).


Like i said, i tried this method. I ended up with like 5 ints and super confused. 

An example, if you have one, would be appreciated.

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this may work though i have not tested but it is something to work with.

long loot = 0;
long before = client.getInventory().getAmount("ITEM_NAME");
long after = client.getInventory().getAmount("ITEM_NAME");
		if(after > before) {
			loot += (after-before);
Edited by precise
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Something like this would work I think

long amount = client.getInventory().getAmount("Item");
        if(amount != client.getInventory().getAmount("Item")){

Yeah basically the same as above...

Edited by Ande
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public ItemWatcher watcher = null;
public Thread wt = null;

public void onStart() {
  this.watcher = new ItemWatcher(this);
  this.wt = new Thread(this.watcher);
public int onLoop() {
  return 600;

public void onExit() {

public class ItemWatcher implements Runnable {
  private Script s;
  private int start_item = 0;
  private int item_now = 0;
  private int collected_items = 0;
  private int item = 1337;

  private boolean run = true;
  public ItemWatcher(Script s) {
    this.s = s;
    this.start_item = s.client.getInventory().getAmount(item);
  public void run() {
    while (run) {
      this.items_now = s.client.getInventory().getAmount(item);
      if (items_now > start_item) {
        this.collected_items += (items_now - start_item);
        this.start_item = items_now;
  public void kill() {
    this.run = false;
  public int getCollected() {
    return collected_items;
ignore any typos, it was done in the osbot reply Edited by dreamliner
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