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Breakdown and effects on Eco, Botters and other:


1) Clan wars - they've stated it shouldn't have much of an impact on pking/the eco - new game types could have some interesting side effects and or bugs depending on how well they've tested them biggrin.png other then that doubt this will have much of an impact other then some potential luring and fun clan battles?


2) Clue scrolls - new items and puzzles, idk if there are any clue scroll bots but that could be an interesting development, also they might bring in some items which might be problematic although they don't say items only "rewards" - maybe xp rewards or something instead who knows?. Overall impact i would say is medium, eco might be shaken depending on what they classify as rewards, be that completely new items or just xp rewards etc both of which have some impact.


3) Trade solution - sounds ominous could have a major impact on bots, suggest we use all our botting accounts and or mules to impact this vote in our favour wink.png come together as a community and ensure botting victory biggrin.png - In all seriousness this could pose a threat to RWT, Botting and other game actions which our community partakes in so I would be the most worried about this one. Impact: Serious! 



4) New skill - great for us, hopefully acts as a money sink which would help gold prices biggrin.png as for the skill itself scriptwriters will be happy because new scripting opportunities and it will bring something fresh to the game which I for one am happy about - high impact!


5) New uber quest - increasing map size! - ANOTHER BIG IMPACT - More botting areas for one biggrin.png also could change economy and might include new items, who knows?! Again something to look out for and refreshing although I'm not sure I will like it, this depends on what the quest changes in the game and if it introduces anything OP to the game e.g. KORASIiIIIII or something akin to that.


6)Bounty Hunter PVP Area- good update imo, bit of fun and very useful system, although I hope they dont add EP because then people can do 76k tricking with it again :L 


7) Player council - OMG we need to get an osbot user on this council :D #OSBOTINFLUENCE



Overall some really big updates could be implemented into the game relatively soon and we should prepare for them in advance, I think that the uber quest with map expansion will impact the economy due to more botting spots potentially and the trade solution will also impact the eco - HOPEFULLY the new skill will be a gold sink and therefore counteract this?! Idk thats my guess anyway..




Edited by AuRoaRa
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